I'm looking for an incubator, Can you help?


silent stalker
10 Years
Nov 1, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
Ok, hubby and I want to try hatching a few eggs around the first of the year (ok I confess just me). Problem is that we are looking for an incubator but we aren't quite sure what kind we need. Hubby is down with just a small one (for now...
hahahahahaha) provided we can find one that doesn't cost too much. We have found a few, what do you thing, or do you have other suggestions...


If your just trying to hatch a few look at the hovabator. Do a search for "best bator" or "best incubator" in this forum. Someone asks the same question at least once a week. Look for one with egg turner and forced air and try to find one thats plastic not Styrofoam, Good luck.
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I would suggest that you BUY the BEST that you feel you can afford. Other than that, IF you're willing to "experiment", there are many "homemade" ones posted on this Forum that you can copy or modify that work very well!
I had a LG still air and upgraded to a Hovabator 1588 with a turner and have been very happy. It's not terribly expensive, easy to use and clean and very efficient.

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