I'm looking into raising pigs....

i don't have pigs but i know one thing about them. they need really good fences, and you don't want them to escape as they cause tons of damage.

(to note) am going by wild/feral pigs, they seem to do lots of damage to fields.

now i have read about pigs, it seems cheaper to raise them then buy the pork from the store, but note that you get everything and not just hams and pork chops (which can be bad for some great for people who like to experiment with cooking)
Hi everyone,

I might be getting a pig sometime, so I was hoping to learn how to care for them and raise them. Here are some of you questions I would like answered:

1. How much does it cost to buy one?
2. How much does it cost to feed for a year or two?
3. Do do they need a lot of room?
4.Do do they need a lot of room?
5. What kind of shelter is good?

This is what I want: (I can't find what breed it is.) https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&client=safari&biw=1276&bih=689&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=dMjBXankD6axggfgiIaYDw&q=what+breed+of+pig+is+pink?&oq=what+breed+of+pig+is+pink?&gs_l=img.3...8464.20041..20277...1.0..0.224.2850.17j10j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i8i7i30j0i8i30j0j0i24j0i10i24.vUvBGcOd37c&ved=0ahUKEwip7r-n4tPlAhWmmOAKHWCEAfMQ4dUDCAY&uact=5
I raised pigs for an FFA project for my high school. The pigs we bought were $100 a piece and we ended up spending another $300 on feed and all other expenses for each of the two pigs from February to August. We were feeding the pigs show quality feed though so if you aren't going for show quality then feed would be cheaper. I think you may be going for a Yorkshire pig? they need an outside portion and an inside portion because they won't poop in the same area that they sleep. We just had them in a barn stall that opened up into a pasture. Hope this helps a bit!
I raised pigs for an FFA project for my high school. The pigs we bought were $100 a piece and we ended up spending another $300 on feed and all other expenses for each of the two pigs from February to August. We were feeding the pigs show quality feed though so if you aren't going for show quality then feed would be cheaper. I think you may be going for a Yorkshire pig? they need an outside portion and an inside portion because they won't poop in the same area that they sleep. We just had them in a barn stall that opened up into a pasture. Hope this helps a bit!
Lovely information and very true, Yorkshires get pretty big though, my grandpa had a 500 pound show female who won a lot of shows but he ate her... very sad he was.
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