I'm moving and I have 3 ducks!


Sep 17, 2013
Salem, or
I'm trying to figure out the best way to transport and introduce my ducks to our new home with the least amount of stress for them. Any suggestions?
I'm trying to figure out the best way to transport and introduce my ducks to our new home with the least amount of stress for them. Any suggestions?
How far are you going? I brought home 3 Muscovy ducks from around 100 miles away and I used a large dog kennel to transport them. the all plastic except the door. Put old towels down on the floor of it that will keep them from sliding around too much.If you need to stop over night I'd rec more towels so you can change them out, along with food and water but since i was going to be home in one day i didn't have food and water for them and they did just fine. Once i got them here i took them in the crate to their fenced in area and opened the door it took a while but they finally came out and checked out their new home. They stayed in this fenced in area for a couple weeks till I let them out to wander the property, by then they new where home was.
We are only going about 30-45 minutes away.
That will be an easy move.
you can even cover the crate up so they are more relaxed. just make sure they can get fresh air. I used an old towel
I made a travel water bowl for mine, at the suggestion of Majestic Waterfowl.

As far as at the new place, if it can be as similar to the old, I think that might help. And I would not let them wander around at first.


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