I'm new and we live in East Tennessee

country places

6 Years
Feb 5, 2013
Hello, My name is Don Busby and I am new to the BYC site. We have raised ducks(muscovies) in the past but we are new to chickens. We are wanting to start out with 15 to 30 Plymouth Rocks and hope to find someone in the East Tennessee area with quality chicks. My hobbies include fishing, sailing and trying to get our family more self sufficient. I am married to my wife Jodi (17 years). We have 4 children(3 boys and 1 girl). We home school our children and are involved in our church.
I am the general manager and partner of a land company(Country Places) that buys and sell rural and recreation acreage with 100% owner financing. I love my job. In my line of work I meet many people that want to be self sufficient and live off the land. Many of my customer raise chickens or have an interest in chickens. We have talked and dreamed about raising our own chickens for a long time and now we are finally taking our first steps. We are very excited to be part of this community and hope to meet new people.

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