I'm new, due to have chicks in three days!


It looks like I have two viable eggs, D day tomorrow! I just know I won't sleep tonight waiting for the two fluffs to arrive!

I'm not going to be completely able to relax till they're both hatched and chirping!

Here's hoping and praying!

That's fantastic! Can't wait for them to hatch!
It's day 21 and nothing so far, I've read the great advice on this website, so I'm not panicking yet. I've listened closely too and can't hear anything. Just keeping my fingers crossed.
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It's day 21 and nothing so far, I've read the great advice on this website, so I'm not panicking yet. I've listened closely too and can't hear anything. Just keeping my fingers crossed.
Good luck on the hatch! I know how stressful it is to wait and wait! But sit tight and relax. Give them at least 4 days past due date. It is common to hatch late, especially if your temp was few tenths low.

Keep us posted! :)
No chicks, very sad indeed. We did water test today, they floated with 10% of the egg above the water. But def no bobbing or any movement. Will give it a week then try to incubate some more. The current ones, I'm going to give a couple more days.
Good idea to wait a couple more days. It's a good sign that your eggs are low floaters.
On my first hatch I had chicks hatch on day 24. Don't lose hope yet, your eggs still have a chance. :hugs

What has your temperature and humidity been?

Fingers crossed you get good results.
We have an electronic incubator set at 100, not sure about humidity, but we've kept the water topped up
Advice please; should I open the Unhatched eggs? What am I looking for as a way of learning what I did wrong?
Do you live in a state with normally high relative humidity? I ask cause if the water has always been full and u live in a high humid state they may have grown too big or drowned on internal pip. Try searching dry incubation method. I live in louisiana and don't put any water in the incubators and half in hatchers
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