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In the Brooder
Jan 22, 2023
My name is tamrah and this is my first time having chickens i have two for day old chicks. We have Yellow is buff orpington and red/ brown rhode island red. Me and my son and fiance are raising them. We also have dogs and cats and fish. I found this site by looking up how to care for chicks that won't eat or drink I have one that won't eat or drink . .
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Make sure they are under heat, not too warm, not too cold, around 88-90°F on the floor. No drafts in the brooder, do not cover the lid with anything but chicken wire or hardware cloth. Dip the chicks beaks in the water so they know where to find water. Crush the starter feed and sprinkle it on a paper towel around the feeder. Tap with your finger like you are eating to get them started.

Enjoy your new babies!

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