I'm new in town


In the Brooder
Feb 7, 2016
Well not really town, but here, lol. I started with hatchery Jersey Giants and Buckeyes last May, realized those things were going to get really mean really fast and switched to black austrolorpes and americaunas along with a couple cochin. Now I'm on my first try to hatch some gifted eggs with an incubator, a Farm Innovator with a turner I got for $20 from a fellow that tried to use it once then quit keeping chickens all together. Looking forward to learning lots from you all.
glad you have joined us.

If you haven't explored the site, you should visit the Learning Center and Forum Information FAQ's.

Hope this flock works out better for you. And good luck with the hatch.

Heres' link that you may find useful, to the hatching forums: https://www.backyardchickens.com/f/5/incubating-hatching-eggs
Thanks, I've been lurking for some time and reading a lot to help me get started. Dealing with a lot of coop envy after looking at all the great coops here, but picking up great info.

Glad you came out of lurker mode to join us. Sounds like you got an amazing deal on the incubator, good luck with your hatch. I think coop envy is something we all have to deal with at some point, there are some great ideas here on the Coop section.

If you have any questions, always feel free to ask. And if you'd like to share stories & pictures of your birds or jump in on conversations, feel free!
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If you haven't set the eggs yet, you may be interested in join the Hatch-a-Long?

post #1
I set them on the 3rd and they were gifted so I had to take them when they were available. I may have more when these guys come out in time for the Easter March 5th date if my little bantam cochin doesn't try to go broody again before then.
Also, I'm still learning how to navigate this site, so forgive me if I miss something and thanks for all the welcomes
Also, I'm still learning how to navigate this site, so forgive me if I miss something and thanks for all the welcomes

There's so much here on BYC it can take a bit to learn your way around. I sure stumbled about when I first started, lol. If you get lost or need help, just post and someone will come along to help.

In case you're interested, there's a contest going on right now to guess the number of eggs that will be set for the Easter Hatch-a-long. You might like to make a guess, maybe you'll get lucky and win a prize:

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