I'm new!


7 Years
Mar 24, 2015
This site came highly recommended by the lady I got my eggs from. She said for any and all questions this would be my go to. And it has. Glad to be here
This site came highly recommended by the lady I got my eggs from. She said for any and all questions this would be my go to. And it has. Glad to be here
Welcome. This site contains a wealth of information on all things poultry. You can spend hours looking around. What kind of eggs did you get?
LOL!! Yep, word of mouth is the best advertisement; even for websites. I've told others that they should hop on here, too, if they are thinking about getting chickens.
Welcome to the flock!!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join to our flock. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your hatch.
  Welcome.  This site contains a wealth of information on all things poultry. You can spend hours looking around.   What kind of eggs did you get?

Quail eggs. It seems to be my gateway egg..... Lol. My mom and I are co piloting the incubating adventure. She just moved and decided to do backyard poultry. I'm incubating she's getting the finished product. Kind of. I'm making a small quail run and doing more eggs after this. My mom is all set up for chickens and quail. And maybe ducks... We have been but by the bug for sure. It all started with wanting to teach the kids ( and grandkids) where food comes from. Who knew they would be so fascinating

The kids found this at their school. I'm thinking its a duck since the school is located next to the canal. The girls said they found it nestled in between the redwoods and the soccer field. At last recess. The teacher confirmed it was a solitary lonely egg on the playground. They begged to put it in an incubator. So it is. If it turns out to be a duck I wouldn't be surprised. Or nothing. They are excited to have a project of her own.

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