I'm not going crazy - I know a roo when I see one

Ah - thank you! That is the only one I was on the fence about. The others I am sure are roos - the silkie I was only about 70% sure.

I got 7 chickens this past early spring and specifically ordered hens (yes, the place I purchased them from sexes ALL types). They are insisting that they ARE all hens. Yes, even the Orp that is most definitely a roo.

The bottom two have been re-homed because they were LOUD and becoming vicious. But my Orp roo is the biggest sweetie. The silkie is just an idiot!
Okay I am gonna post before I read all the replies. here is my guess..

1 - Roo
2 - Looks more female to me
3 - Roo
4 - Roo

Okay now I am gonna read and see how I did. LOL
I am curious why everyone is pegging #4, the EE, as a roo...
We have five EE's about 8 weeks old and one started crowing recently and has pinker/redder comb than the others so we are sure it is a rooster. Two look like girls but two others I am unsure about and they seem like #4 above...I really hope I don't have 3 roosters because we can only keep one and then we'd be down to just 3 chickens total...

What is the giveway with #4?

...I think I'll post some pix of my "girls" now too.
I don't know about the others but the first one is a roo, I'd bet. Here's a pic of my 17 wk old Buff Orp pullet. I'm pretty sure she's a pullet, anyway.


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