I'm not sure what type of chicken this is any ideas


In the Brooder
Sep 19, 2016
Valley center ca
Ravyn fallen the one that resembles the bald eagle lol.. they are 7 weeks I was told its an auracana but then they said it was an ee... And then another said an ameracauna. .I'm so confused...

The reason it's confusing is hatcheries and feed stores use a blanket label of Araucana/Ameraucana/Americana for anything that can lay different colored eggs, ie, blue, green, pink... if you got them from a feed store or hatchery, almost certainly it is an EE...

the one that resembles the bald eagle in the front

First pic also looks like she has green legs, yes? That is a flag for an Easter Egger...

Araucanas are rumpless and tufted... true Ameraucanas have slate legs, bearded/muffed, and are an accepted color... true Ameraucanas will always be listed as a specific color, ie, black, blue, buff, silver, wheaten, etc...

Does that help? :)
I had that same experience! Disappointed horribly at first but feel in love with my easter eggers!! They are incredibly sweet and quiet! I do believe they ate EEs. Bold Eagle had some awesome coloring!! Please keep us posted on how they develop!
Welcome to Backyard chickens!! I hope you enjoy it and the camaraderie here and everybody that goes nuts over chickens (me being one of them....) Have fun! And ask questions! You have gotten some great help, so I will just say hello! :frow
Can only see bits and pieces of your chickens. If you can get some good pictures of the individual birds - post them at "what breed or gender it is." Please mention age when doing so. Welcome to Backyard chickens.
Hi and welcome to BYC - glad that you have joined us. D/Diva has given some great advice on where to post.

Best wishes

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