Im so confused!


Sep 8, 2021
Hey yall! Im new to this community and I was hoping to ask yall if anyone knows why my 1 1/2 year old ancona duck is laying ONLY fair eggs? She laid a couple fairy eggs when she first started laying then we got a few normal sized eggs and now she lays only fairy eggs....any ideas?
That seems like a lot of "treats". If it were me, I'd cut most of the extras out and give her the treats sparingly. Does she also have oyster shell available?
Yes the Flock has access to oyster shell and grit at all times. I will cut back on the extras and see if that makes any difference. Lol I cant help but want to give them everything they like.
I would cut wayyy back on those treats. Giving ducks everything they like to eat (even fruits and vegetables) is the equivalent of giving a kid all of the ice cream, donuts and candy they want. Also when you mean fairy how small? To be considered a fairy egg the egg is usually the size of a quarter or less. Now some ducks do lay smaller eggs and not the huge duck eggs. I have some ducks who lay eggs the size of a medium chicken egg which looks small compared to a larger duck egg.

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