I'm so old I Remember when:

I've always liked Angela Lansbury. Weren't we all lovely when we were this young?


Here is Irene Ryan, not terribly young but quite elegant, she looks like she could be a First Lady in this portrait. I love her gentle smile. She looks like she's patiently waiting for you to finish what you're saying so she can hit you with some motherly wisdom.

The post with Frank Sinatra getting out of the chopper brought back an old personal memory. When my mom was a newly wed she went down to FL's lower east coast with her new mother-in-law to a family gathering. One of the girls was a caterer and told her she didn't need to sit around with the older women and their hen party. She had a place she needed to go to caterer and she could come along with her. She did. It turned out is was a birthday party for Frank Sinatra. She told me many years later as she was out of the blue remembering old events out of her past about that night. She said at that at his home he was an ordinary family type of man. A real gentleman. It was hard to get a comment out of my mom like that for anyone. That would have been in the early 40's.

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