I'm so old I Remember when:

It's very not necessary to have a college degree.
It's what society wants you to believe. And as a cost now student debt is out of control like the government dept. I personally know a few that went to college and paying back student loans cause thier parents couldn't pay for it and not doing what they went for. The skilled trades are in high demand and people in those fields are making bank. Like electricians, welders, plumbers, ac people etc. and that's even if you can get someone to do a job much less show up when you need one. Those industries are hurting for qualified people while the college type industries are over saturated with people that college grads are having a hard time finding a job yet still gotta pay the loan back. And this forgiveness of student debt by the government is bullcrap I shouldn't have to pay for someone else's debt. That person chose to go into debt I should not be the one to pay it back. And yes my daughter went to college, incurred student debt and is paying it off on her own by working using what she went for. Thays how it's supposed to work
Trip, Are you ok? Did you throw out your shoulder on @bill3607?
Yes! And he won't pay for the doctor's bills😫
It's what society wants you to believe. And as a cost now student debt is out of control like the government dept. I personally know a few that went to college and paying back student loans cause thier parents couldn't pay for it and not doing what they went for. The skilled trades are in high demand and people in those fields are making bank. Like electricians, welders, plumbers, ac people etc. and that's even if you can get someone to do a job much less show up when you need one. Those industries are hurting for qualified people while the college type industries are over saturated with people that college grads are having a hard time finding a job yet still gotta pay the loan back. And this forgiveness of student debt by the government is bullcrap I shouldn't have to pay for someone else's debt. That person chose to go into debt I should not be the one to pay it back. And yes my daughter went to college, incurred student debt and is paying it off on her own by working using what she went for. Thays how it's supposed to work
It's what society wants you to believe. And as a cost now student debt is out of control like the government dept. I personally know a few that went to college and paying back student loans cause thier parents couldn't pay for it and not doing what they went for. The skilled trades are in high demand and people in those fields are making bank. Like electricians, welders, plumbers, ac people etc. and that's even if you can get someone to do a job much less show up when you need one. Those industries are hurting for qualified people while the college type industries are over saturated with people that college grads are having a hard time finding a job yet still gotta pay the loan back. And this forgiveness of student debt by the government is bullcrap I shouldn't have to pay for someone else's debt. That person chose to go into debt I should not be the one to pay it back. And yes my daughter went to college, incurred student debt and is paying it off on her own by working using what she went for. Thays how it's supposed to work
I've been asked a couple times, "what are you going to do when you grow up?". I always tell them I'm going to stay home with the chickens. I'd probably do technology related things, since that is one thing I know I do well (well, it's a lot of using a search engine too :lau).

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