I'm sooooo In trouble...look what followed me home.

I'm sooooo In trouble...look what followed me home.

Isn't that the truth?!?
Just be careful and watch the ducks when they are in the tub.....you should only let them swim for about 10-15 min. and stay with them. They tire quickly and their down becomes soaked like a sponge..they can drown very easily. Once their feathers come in, they can and swim all day long. I hope you consider getting a few more. I have 12 and they love to play and hang out together. I would have atleast 4. Good Luck and they are precious.....
I have a question can you put a baby duck in with baby chickens? Would the duck require a pool? Would it grow up thinking he was chicken?
Our TSC sells their babies in minimums of 12. That in itself removes all static cling! We have our holderreads order coming anytime now so an additional 12 wouldn't be pretty! Your duckies are VERY cute!
My ducklings get chick starter at day-olds to 3 or 4 weeks then at 3-4 weeks I change my ducklings feed to what my adult birds eat.
They dont need a pool but need to be able to submerge there whole head and bill in the water to clean out there eyes and bills.
But they would be very happy to have one and seeing them clean themselves and splash and play is really worth it!
I had a lone duckling I raised with the chickens for company. He would walk about, bob his head, and scratch like a chicken(no joke
) . When I tried to introduce him to water as an adult he actually ran/flew all the way back up the bank of the lake back to the chickens, even with other ducks quacking in the lake.

It was very comical and worrying at the same time.

He did eventually realize he was a duck but it took a lot of persuading.
lol our TSC never has ducklings in. Except once, they had flying mallard chicks in and I was like uhhhhh it's illegal to own them in GA so I dont know who bought them but I hope they dont get caught..... darn stupid hatcheries. They always seem to send our TSC stuff I dont want.... well except for that one time.... lol I ended up with a dozen buff orphingtons. They are amazing though. I love them. I stay away from TSC on Mondays Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Usually by Thursday they have sold everything lol.

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