I'm sorry I have another question😅

Hi and thank you for the tag. Since reading an article that @Debbie292d,whom you have tagged, I cleaned my with Odoban. Not only my Incubatos but my coops as well. No chickens in the coop but I clean everything with it. I do use Clorox clean up for hard to clean area.
And, NO there are never to many questions on BYC. That's what we are here for.
Have blessed Day and I hope that helps.
You have a blessed day as well, and yes it did help!
Hi and thank you for the tag. Since reading an article that @Debbie292d,whom you have tagged, I cleaned my with Odoban. Not only my Incubatos but my coops as well. No chickens in the coop but I clean everything with it. I do use Clorox clean up for hard to clean area.
And, NO there are never to many questions on BYC. That's what we are here for.
Have blessed Day and I hope that helps.
I love to clean my brooders with Odoban. Cleans well and smells good, not like chemicals!
Sorry, I have another question, I feel like I'm bombarding everyone with questions 😬 After I post a thread asking something I feel like I have more questions, so that's why I keep on coming back with more.
Okay...I heard that you have to sanitize the incubator to prevent bacteria from the incubator from getting into the eggs (or something like that.) Mostly every "recipe" online calls for bleach, but is there a simpler formula that I could use with household items? (I don't have bleach nor do I want to use it.)
But do I even have to sanitize it? It is brand new and I haven't hatched in it before.

I will try to tag everyone who I think might be able to help.

@Antiocheggers, @NatJ, @Debbie292d, @GlicksChicks.
I probably missed a bunch of people so please tag anyone who I missed.
Thanks so much!
Bleach is great because, when rinsed well and dried, it leave no residue behind. I wash and then leave it out in the sun to dry and sterilize. 30 min of sunlight kills almost anything that's dangerous. However, I thing this is focused on far too much and doesn't hold near as much weight as other factors that many overlook such as humidity. Chickens were never designed to be sterile and have protections in place where needed.
I don't incubate, but I will say that dish soap and water to wash the grime off afterwards and then spray with vinegar. Let the vinegar sit for a couple minutes and then rinse. Vinegar is great for disinfecting.
Sorry, I have another question, I feel like I'm bombarding everyone with questions 😬 After I post a thread asking something I feel like I have more questions, so that's why I keep on coming back with more.
Okay...I heard that you have to sanitize the incubator to prevent bacteria from the incubator from getting into the eggs (or something like that.) Mostly every "recipe" online calls for bleach, but is there a simpler formula that I could use with household items? (I don't have bleach nor do I want to use it.)
But do I even have to sanitize it? It is brand new and I haven't hatched in it before.

I will try to tag everyone who I think might be able to help.

@Antiocheggers, @NatJ, @Debbie292d, @GlicksChicks.
I probably missed a bunch of people so please tag anyone who I missed.
Thanks so much!
Ironically, you should read the article I wrote. The link is in my signature. I now use Odoban for cleaning everything as it is used in hatcheries, hospitals, etc., and kills every disease known to man or chicken.
I love to clean my brooders with Odoban. Cleans well and smells good, not like chemicals!
Odoban has way more chemicals than bleach; the safety data sheet looks like a list of chemicals- go to their website, choose the disinfectant then scroll down to the SDS sheet, then scroll up to the list of scents. It'll open in a PDF but my phone won't let me print or save it as a pic.

ETA that bleach is 97%-98.5% water and 1.5%-3% sodium hypochlorite.
Odoban has way more chemicals than bleach; the safety data sheet looks like a list of chemicals- go to their website, choose the disinfectant then scroll down to the SDS sheet, then scroll up to the list of scents. It'll open in a PDF but my phone won't let me print or save it as a pic.

ETA that bleach is 97%-98.5% water and 1.5%-3% sodium hypochlorite.
I only clean with it when the brooder won't be used for a while. I avoid any chemicals when the chickens are actively living somewhere. When it comes to my incubator I only clean it with dish soap and water.
I only clean with it when the brooder won't be used for a while. I avoid any chemicals when the chickens are actively living somewhere. When it comes to my incubator I only clean it with dish soap and water.
My reply isn't critical of Odoban; it was intended for the OP because of OP's aversion to using bleach around chicks due to chemical exposure. I use bleach to disinfect my incubator and pretty much everything else concerning our hatching, brooding and processing of chickens. Bleach is a wonder chemical.
Bleach is a wonder chemical.
Many are when used correctly. When not used correctly they can be a problem. I use bleach. And I use ventilation and air it out to avoid some of the hazards. Chickens and other birds have a delicate respiratory system, that's why miners used canaries to check the air quality in a mine.

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