I'm Stranded on a Desert Island with What BYC Member?

Boyd. We disagree on just enough to have interesting discussion to kill time and boredom. Plus, he has two very useful things (that I know of): a shotgun and an AK-47, both of which would be handy for hunting and signalling any passing ships - or *ahem* borrowing them.
And, of course, his squirrel army would be useful. Take over a tanker or something and save us.

BTW, a cell phone probably wouldn't get very good reception on a desert island.
OH no this is a trick..........see it now going to be hunted down by a BYC Husband.......

Have to go thru the cornbread thread........to get the non sweet cornbread fixing ladies..........CAN YOU TELL I WANT SOME FRIED CORNBREAD.

EDIT to add she must have red hair.......

Can't live just on cornbread and milk only........
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I'm changing my answer again. Junkman is my new choice.

Don't know anything about Junkman. Any particular reason he's your new choice?

He seems like he'd be pretty useful on a desert island. And if he wasn't, he's funny enough that I could die laughing.
yeah i cant choose...

Debi makes me LOL with some of her work stories...

redhen and I could plot evil things

and chickenchick is very level headed and would talk me out of my world domination plans LOL

Boyd could help me with a firearms problem and when I got back I could solve a problem of my own

any of the mods would keep my potty mouth in check

I am sure there is more but Big bang theory is coming on soon so I must plan my snacks...LOL
So we're back together?

OK if your fixing cornbread........

Its me and elizabethbinary.............hope ur DH only has small guns

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