Image thumbnails


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jan 26, 2007
BC, Washington Border

Is punbb capable of doing automatic image thumbnails like phpbb. If it is then message load times would be quick and used bandwidth would drop. People could decide what photos they wanted to see full size and dialuppers would be very happy I'll bet.

Just a suggestion
I'm toying with the option for members to load and host images here at BYC. The system I'm looking at will automatically resize the big images to a dialup friendly size (150 kb max) and will also create thumbnails automatically.

I'm reluctant to load up anything new like this that could be a big resource user while we're in the middle of the "Spring Rush".

With that said, most members are using Photobucket which supports thumbnails and resizing. All images posted shouldn't be bigger than 150 kb and no wider than 800 pixels. If it is, members should resize and/or link to the image with a thumbnail.
Yes you are correct. The main difference is that PunBB comes out of the gate pretty bare bones to make it small, fast, and efficient. Each addition, module, etc. adds more resource usage, so that's why I like it, I don't have things we don't need or use.

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