That my friend, is an excellent question. I could try to get a picture of the wound if you like. It just looks like a slightly deep cut on her side. It's blackened from dried blood, but that's it. It makes no sense to me.
I can't imaging a person doing it, if they were wanting to inflict pain they would do worse than this?
There are the most horrible stories or teenagers hurting pets
I think she's caught it on something, you need to do a finger tip search around the coop etc And see if you can find the leg,
can small animals get into the coop
Could a rat do gnawed it off?
I can't imaging a person doing it, if they were wanting to inflict pain they would do worse than this?
There are the most horrible stories or teenagers hurting pets
I think she's caught it on something, you need to do a finger tip search around the coop etc And see if you can find the leg,
can small animals get into the coop
Could a rat do gnawed it off?
People are words that I can't use on this site. I did a full search if the coop, and there's no sign of the leg. No blood, no places she could have caught it on.
Yes, it's possible that a rodent could have gnawed it off, but what are the chances? I've never had any trouble with rodents other than squirrels since I own a bunch if cats, one of which
catches the rodents out here...I've never seen anything past voles and field mice.
Ok, just give me a minute. I have to hold her just right for my webcam.

She isn't a very big hen. As you can see, there isn't a mess.

Here's the wound. I held her on her back for this one but since I was holding her, I couldn't pull much feather away to show it more. It quite honestly doesn't look like a two day wound, but I swear, I'm out there with my birds every single day unless I'm away from home. I would have noticed and freaked out MUCH sooner if it was gone while I was home.
WHOA! omg! the whole freakin leg. wow...just wow...
Yeah, I know! It freaked me out when she wouldn't come for some peanut suet. If I go through this long process again, I think I can get a better picture of it.
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