well I agree someone and a prank would have done a lot more damage. a coon, possum, skunk, would have killed the flock. I think the only answer is a rodent.
Wow, that is just crazy.......I hope you find out what happened to that poor hen. Its awful to think that a person could have done something like that. But I dont put anything past "people: now days. There are some heartless folks out in this world.
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Exactly...but wouldn't a rodent leave more damage rather than just cleanly chewing her leg off? I'm so friggin confused. It feels like she'd have more bites or there'd be droppings in the pen or something :c
Yea raccoon is known for grabbing a leg.... but there would be feathers and some blood. Def wasn't from a non human predator.
The Rooster would have killed the rodent. We find dead rodents the rooster kills them. Unless there is no rooster. Could possibly be a raccoon.
if it was a rodent, wouldn't she fly up if it was chewing her leg off? or do they just sit there while their leg is getting gnawed off?

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