Impacted crop, advice please?


5 Years
Jun 7, 2018
Sheffield, UK
Hi everyone,
I let the chickens out this morning, (they free range in the garden) and my pekin hen was huddled. I felt her crop and there was a hard ball of corn. I gave her some scrambled egg with oil and massaged the crop which broke up the ball of food. However she has still not pooped (other than some liquid first thing) and the crop is not completely cleared, I can feel grains in there which are all spread out. I have her on a hot water bottle, she's drinking water and I've given only grit.

Should I give her longer to digest what's left or empty the crop? I've done this on another bird but it's not something I like to do. Or should I continue with massage every so often and try to clear it that way?

I'm hesitant to take her to the vet because they don't seem to know anymore than I do most of the time and I end up paying them for what I can do myself. My concern is what if there was something blocking the digestive system which has now moved into the gut? Perhaps if that's the case she will either pass it or die?

Your advice would be gratefully appreciated.
How old is she? I would take away the grit right now. She needs water, and electrolytes could be helpful. If you can tube feed her water, you could massage her crop several times today. Chilled coconut oil can be offered for her to eat, but water is most important. If her crop empties some overnight by morning, then offer some mushy foods such as cooked egg and plain yogurt. No whole grains until her crop has become normal. Doe she lay eggs? Crop problems can be common with reproductive infections or other illnesses.
Hi, Thanks for responding Eggcessive, by the time I saw your post things seemed to have improved a lot but I ended up with a really bad headache! It seems fortunately that something must have been caught up in there causing an impaction and I was able to clear it with the massage. She started to look a lot better I let her out and kept an eye on her, she did a big poo as soon as i let her out and I felt her crop this morning and it was empty. In fact I noticed a few days ago she was looking pale and I wonder if there's something been in there slowing things down for a while but this morning her colour looked totally normal again.
i think long grass could be the culprit and have cleared the shavings.
So the scrambled egg with oil and massage trick worked a treat.
She's only a young bird, about 2 years old and normally lays great, i did check for egg binding but couldn't feel anything. Fingers crossed that's the last of it.
Thanks for getting back to me x

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