Impacted Crop / Maggots, Waxworms or Pills?

After trying everything else, I fed one of our hens maggots and it didn't work. I took her to the vet the next day who cut out a big ball of knotted grass and other rubbish. The vet said surgery was the only way it was going to come out and that the maggots were more likely to have eaten the crop itself rather than the impaction (but probably died soon after being eaten). The maggots made the job more difficult for the vet and added 50% to the bill. Maybe it works on milder cases but beware a higher bill if it doesn't!
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After trying everything else, I fed one of our hens maggots and it didn't work. I took her to the vet the next day who cut out a big ball of knotted grass and other rubbish. The vet said surgery was the only way it was going to come out and that the maggots were more likely to have eaten the crop itself rather than the impaction (but probably died soon after being eaten). The maggots made the job more difficult for the vet and added 50% to the bill. Maybe it works on milder cases but beware a higher bill if it doesn't!
Classic Vet, talking nonsense to get more money out of someone. Maggots will NOT eat healthy flesh so they would NOT have eaten through the crop and if the maggots died soon after being eaten as claimed HOW could a handful of dead maggots have made the Vets job more difficult? Like I said....Classic Vet.

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