Impacted crop

I have a feeling my anti-social girl will be a little more social after we get through all this, lol! I've held her more today than I have the whole time I've had her. She's always been so skittish but she does seem like she's starting to like the touching...a little anyway.
They do come around a bit after being sick and all the handling. I have had a couple birds get more affectionate after having to work with them. And I really think they know we are helping them.

Make sure she gets her afternoon dosages of the stool softener. And hopefully the crop is smaller in the morning! I am behind you in time zones, but I will come on as early as I can to see if you have left an up date. She will probably still have something in her crop tomorrow morning so go ahead and dose her again. Give her a small bit of food too if her crop is smaller than what it was this morning. :)
If her crop is half the size it was earlier today, tomorrow morning go ahead and give her a bit of hard boiled eggs. Don't forget another dosage of the stool softener.

Keep us posted! :)
Her crop this morning isn't as small as I would have hoped. It's definitely not down by half and it seems like it's hardened up a bit from not massaging it through the night. I don't think I should give her any food for now. I'll get the dose of softener in and get some massages going. Unfortunately, I have to work this afternoon and evening but I'll check on her when I get home and if it seems any better at that time, then I'll give her a little soft food.
See if you can get some water into her. You had mentioned that you were giving her oil early on? This is a big no no as oil it hardens these things up. If you can't tube water into her, see if you can use a syringe to get water into her. Be very careful you don't aspirate her however. Just slowly dribble it in with her head level, (not back) and put it on the front of the tongue.

Also, if you have any watermelon....this stuff is mostly water. There is very little solidity to it. Give her a big slice of it. This will help satisfy her hunger and water down her crop. The pills won't work well without water.

Keep us posted!
She's gone 48 hours without drinking. IMNSHO, it's time to get some fluids into her or or there is a very good chance that she will die in the next 48-72 hours. Go to Petsmart or Petco, buy 16" or aquarium airline, then go to Tractor Supply and get a 35ml or 60ml syringe for it. You will have to melt the end of the tube with a lighter to make the edges round and safe to stick down her esohpagus.

I guarantee you that this is easy to do. It's also *much* safer and way less stressful to both the bird and the handler than dripping water into them is. It's so easy, even young teens have done it using the tube from their toiltel tank! True story.

Syringes and tubes can also be purchased from a small animal veterinarian, just tell them your want a size 18 french red rubber catheter and a 35ml or 60ml catheter tip syringe. They look like this:

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Kathy, I've gotten her to drink a little the past couple days. Not a lot but enough that I don't think she's in danger of dehydration yet. I'll keep monitoring the water dish though. Thanks

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