Imprinted Baby duck?


9 Years
Feb 27, 2015
We just hatched 6 of the most gorgeous ducklings Yesterday. Totally unbiased! One little one had to be assisted out of his shell. He was pipped for 36 hours and I sang to him, talked to him, and once he was out, I swear he looked right at me! they are all doing well, but he keeps coming to the side if the brooder and peeping, and snuggles in my hand when I go to pick him/her up. I clearly have a special place in my heart, but am I imagining his behavior? Does this happen? I don't want to create a problem Or spoil him. Too mUch, haha.
Yes. I have raised many baby ducklings before and they will bond with you. Some will be more willing to bond with you, others will not. The one your talking about has more of a will to imprint on you. In time, all of the others will get to know you as their mother:). I spent 24/7 with my ducks when they were young, and now they follow me everywhere and seek me out for protection/food/etc. So yes, it is only natural that these ducklings imprint on you, because you are the only thing they see as a mother.

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