
6 Years
5 Years
Jan 23, 2014
Prescott Area, Arizona
I know alot of you here order pullets only... so im wondering in your orders (& where did you order from) of pullets how many end up being males and how many pullets you ordered... thanks..


They usually have a success rate advertised somewhere when you are buying all pullets. Usually it's 90-99% success rate. That said. Last year I went to my local feedstore and grabbed a silver laced wyandotte out of a bin of 100 pullets and I grabbed a male. This year I grabed a male partridge rock out of a bin of all pullets. I think I'm getting males because typically I look for the more active, alert, curious chicks when I make my selections which tend to be male characteristics. If you want to pretty much guarantee getting females you can look into sex link birds which means the female and male chicks are colored differently thus making it very difficult to incorrectly sex them.
Two different hatcheries last year, orders of 30 each of SLW and RIR. One had 2, one had 1 male. So pretty lucky in my case. I was planning on more.

They usually have a success rate advertised somewhere when you are buying all pullets. Usually it's 90-99% success rate. That said. Last year I went to my local feedstore and grabbed a silver laced wyandotte out of a bin of 100 pullets and I grabbed a male. This year I grabed a male partridge rock out of a bin of all pullets. I think I'm getting males because typically I look for the more active, alert, curious chicks when I make my selections which tend to be male characteristics. If you want to pretty much guarantee getting females you can look into sex link birds which means the female and male chicks are colored differently thus making it very difficult to incorrectly sex them.
but your picking them out at feedstores... im talking about order ratios..
...only when you order online. I refuse to buy from feedstores because people handle the birds and they get put in different bins.. and most the feedstores around here dont vaccinate their chicks and have no clue what breeds they are..
but your picking them out at feedstores... im talking about order ratios..
...only when you order online. I refuse to buy from feedstores because people handle the birds and they get put in different bins.. and most the feedstores around here dont vaccinate their chicks and have no clue what breeds they are..

My feed store is very good and take great care of their chicks. They're knowledgeable when it comes to livestock, especially poultry, and have a few pet chickens on premises. They're not a chain and the whole town loves them because of how friendly and knowledgeable they are.

They buy their stock from Ideal and typically will only order pullets and then label them as such. They also keep their straight run birds in a different type of bin, off to the side and away from the pullets. If they order a certain breed as a pullet they will not order the same breed as straight run. Any gender misidentification is going to be on Ideal's side.
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My feed store is very good and take great care of their chicks. They're knowledgeable when it comes to livestock, especially poultry, and have a few pet chickens on premises. They're not a chain and the whole town loves them because of how friendly and knowledgeable they are.

They buy their stock from Ideal and typically will only order pullets and then label them as such. They also keep their straight run birds in a different type of bin, off to the side and away from the pullets. If they order a certain breed as a pullet they will not order the same breed as straight run. Any gender misidentification is going to be on Ideal's side.
Ive only ordered from one place, placed a pullet order only and all my chicks are 3 weeks old (8 of them) im *crossing fingers* all are female..
my order of juneof last year from ideal had one roo and my order that i got in feb this year had one.

august of last year i order a straight run order of duccle so of course the was roos but it was perfectly split in half in numbers of roos vs pullets

i have an order from a friend coming in may and i ordered 15 pullets for her so we'll se if there;ll be a roo in that group or not

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