In need of some mite suggestions/help!

Ivermectin works-- just treated my big girls 2 nights ago. No more lice or mites. They are large breeds so I used 4 drops each.
Always have wood ash out for them but it's not really doing the trick this year for some reason.
I totally swear by Ivermectin, have used it before on lil finches with airsack mites!! Also use it as a dewormer for round worms and other worms!! All free ranging birds should be treat every spring.;)
I put lukewarm water, dog flea and tick shampoo, and dish detergent in a spray bottle and spray it on the mite area twice daily for 5 days.
Quote: If you're interested in a mite, lice, fly, beetle eradicator that is Poultry Veterinarian recommended AND has NO EGG WITHDRAWAL period, go with Elector! I have used it twice in two different coops on two different flocks of birds and did not need to re-apply as with other products. It works like a charm after ONE application. It is SAFE for the chickens AND the humans using it, which is more than can be said for the toxic powders that have limited usefulness. I have used many different products over the years and spent a small fortune on $8 and $10 canisters of ineffective products that I had to repeatedly purchase and repeatedly apply while throwing out the eggs for 3 weeks to a month. What a waste! I swear by this stuff. You can read much more about it HERE, including a video showing how to use it and instructions for diluting it in water. It can be sprayed inside the coop while the birds are in the coop and on the litter. Say goodbye to flies, mites and lice with this stuff. It's unbelievable. There's also a YouTube video link to the manufacturer's explanation of how it works, which is fascinating (if you're geeky about these things like I am. lol). This is an affiliate link to purchase the stuff. If I hadn't used it myself, I wouldn't have believed it.
If you get it and use it, leave a follow-up for others to clue them into how amazing this product works for your flock. It's the best kept secret in external parasite control for backyard flocks!
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick
Ivermectin works-- just treated my big girls 2 nights ago. No more lice or mites. They are large breeds so I used 4 drops each.
Always have wood ash out for them but it's not really doing the trick this year for some reason.
I never found Ivermectin to be particularly effective- the mites always returned. Chicken parasites build up an immunity to every product except Elector and every other product requires an egg withdrawal period. Elector does not. I swear by the stuff now!
I wouldn't use that first link as a reliable resource- they claims to never have had mites, lice, worms or any disease in their flock, so cannot possibly be speaking from first-hand experience.
Spinosad is not the same as Elector PSP
I didn't intend to press enter yet. GAH! Spinosad IS the active ingredient in Elector PSP, but Elector works and products like Captain Jack's doesn't likely due to the concentration differences. There is also no concern about mites developing resistance to Elector PSP. I think you'll find this video useful if you haven't seen it already, Scratch 'n Peck:
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