In need of some URGENT advice

If it's that important to your husband you go, and you can't find child care, then take the child and go. Your husband needs you with him. Yes, travelling with a child can suck, and a sick kid more so. But, it won't hurt your son or you at all. You son won't remember and you'll forget how miserable you were, but your husband will never, ever forget you weren't with him when he needed you. He is your first responsibility and you need to move heaven and earth to be with him when he needs you.

Yep, it sucks the relatives backed out and left you hanging. But not the issue right now. Just know you can never count on them in the future, and focus on your honey right now.

I also had disappointment with family who offered to watch my sons during my extended hospitalization over the summer/fall. It's really, really hard to know you can't count on them.
I also agree with just taking him with you. Chances are he will just sleep most of the ride. Pick up some children's cold medicine to keep handy if he starts to feel icky or get upset. Bring some toys. Three hours isn't too bad and it sounds like your husband wants you there for support. You probably won't ever have to do this again and it's your husband's only father, so I think it would be well worth a cranky child, especially if he just had a cold and is already mostly over it.
I was going to take him, even though the family members who were 3 hours away waiting for us had said not too bring him due to everything that was going on, but like everyone else here has said, I need to support my husband and if that meant bringing our son, so be it.

I had our sons bag ready, some cold medicine as he wasn't too well, so that would have made the journey easier on him. Probably would have fussed for the first hour but it turns out I was going to get car sick during the journey. Sure the joys of having an IPAD these days would have kept him entertained anyway. But like I said, had everything ready for him to come with us, and at 1am I got an email from a friend who said she was coming on a bus in the morning and she'd stay with him the 3 days we were up. So thankful for everything she did, our son didn't even notice we were gone. Sure he would have gone home with her!

The family members who backed out are regretting it, as I knew they would, very apologetic and upset with themselves. But obviously it just wasn't the right time for them, it happens, we all say something and then wish we hadn't. But maybe they'll think twice about offering help next time if they don't know they actually WANT or can do it....

Thank you all for your moral support and advice in my stressful time of need. It came at me all at once and being so tired and stressed I felt like I'd lost all confidence in my choices.
I am so glad this worked out so well for all of you. We don't all have angels like that for friends; you are blessed indeed!
What a blessing! I can't count the times in the last year where I've struggled and struggled to make something happen, then just let it go and God took care of it.
I am sorry about your husband's father, but so glad your friend came through and you were able to travel with your husband and focus on supporting him at this time.

Your friend is a gem.

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