In the spirit of giving! Paying it Forward( WINNER )

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I would also like to nominate silkieluver_07.

She is a BYCer that lives just a few minutes from me and has been a tremendous help feeding my chick & hatching addiction lol. Her and her mom are so generous and kind, they really deserve to get something back for all they give!

She has been trying to set up a great breeding flock of Silkies, but she had a rough time last year and lost a few of her favorites to predators. Then we placed an order together with Ideal and the chick(s) she really wanted ended up dying (due to rough shipment). I know she recently got a shipment of eggs that she had her heart set on, but only ended up with 1 Silkie chick hatching...think the PO scrambled the eggs.

Some days it seems like trying to reach your simple goal is an impossible struggle. For a teenager to not lose hope and give up, or just move on to something else when things go wrong, shows she has a real love for her chickens. I would really like to see her be able to replace some of what she has lost and have another chance to get her breeding flock going strong!
Hi, James
I am like Lockedhearts, I would nominate you if I could for all the kindness and friendship you have shown to both Karen and I if it would not be cheesy, lol. Thanks for being a pal!
But..... since that won't work, I'd like to nominate lickskillet. She has been very kind and supportive to me through all of my little bumps in the road and never fails to lend a ear when I need to bend one
She's a very kind and giving person and I value her friendship.
As others here have said before me, she has recently suffered a terrible dog attack and it has devistated her DD to no end. I am sure this would both cheer her up and help ease some of the ache her little one is feeling over the loss of her beloved pets.
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... another vote for

SPECKLEDHEN for all the reasons mentioned and more.

I would like to nominate Luvs2garden2000. She has been going through a hard time. She had built up a nice flock of hens and due to a job loss they are now struggling. She has had to sell off hens and chicks to help pay bills and keep her household running. I know that she is still trying to hatch eggs that she is getting from her hens, but to be able to buy some pure breeds would really make her day.

Also, just to add, she has been there to support me in my chicken projects and has been one of the best friends I have ever had. She is not only helping me but has also helped hatched eggs for several other BYCers. She helped plan and organize the BYC Oklahoma POOPS event and even though she was strapped she made the best of the situation and helped where she could.

I truly think she is a wonderful and deserving woman.

Thanks for your consideration!

I want to nominate Calebs Acre. She won my name the puppy contest and instead of getting the egggs she started a new thread for a deserving person. In this thread she gave the eggs to a member with MS that wanted to hatch them with her grandchildren who were afraid to come see her because of the wheelchair. I think it was a great decision on her part to offer to the lady. Hoping it helps with her relationsship with her grandkids. To top it off she has offered me a sebastopol goose that I am considering.
So CALEBS ACRE, heres to you:bow
It is great hearing all these stories of what nice people we have here on the BYC.I want to tell you about what some people have done for me.Back this winter our area had flash flooding and my pond flooded and it actually broke the dam for it and flooded my chicken coop.I lost almost all of my birds.I told pumpkinpup about my disaster and she posted it on the BYC.I actually had members to help me rebuild my flock.Pumpkinpup gave me some chicks and hatched some eggs for me at no charge.Bargin(Nancy) Gave me some beautiful speckled sussex chicks,Opa who I have never meet promised to ship me some welsummer eggs this spring.Well he kept his promise and I put the eggs in the hatcher yesterday.Lockedhearts( Karen ) gives me eggs all the time as we are helping each other with our hatching addiction.Also many people on her sent me PM's telling me they were praying for me.It is good to see people helping other people!
I would like to nominate crittercrazy, she is a very special person to me. I have had some really tough times in my life lately, and she is always there for me. She always listens to me when other people in my life won't. I know its not chicken ralated, but she is a great person. And she loves her chickens and other critters...
Speckledhen also has helped me in the past! When I was down on my luck with chickens, she gave me a great deal on her BR eggs!

Her BR Girls are the best! They are my fav. at the moment and Big Cuddle Bugs! I Thank speckledhen everyday I go out to see my chickens!
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