in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Three horses try to hide from the rain under an over sized table and chair in a pasture near Doellstaedt, eastern Germany. The huge garden furniture was installed by a local wood merchant to promote his products.

A friend introduced me to this band earlier this afternoon... LOVE!!! So I of course found their FB page... and them I'm like, crap.. He really is married... x] I'd been hoping that ring on his finger wasn't a wedding ring. Oh well... Chances were slim anyway.

(Took me long enough to remember which link to use.. :p)
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I'd never heard it called so many names! I'm totally gonna have to drag DH onto the internet for this. Its time for him to know there are other places than The Samba (for classic vw parts) and you tube. He may have missed that memo.

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