in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Quote: Haahhahaa

And that's Trinity. I think. Yeah, Trinity. She pooped on my coat afterwards because she didn't want to take her medicine and I was holding her. But I forgave her because she's just so stinkin' cute.
Quote: The image that develops from the comings and goings of my two dogs. This is a new door flap. The first one would develop an image that looked startlingly like Jesus, but it eventually warped and would no longer close fully so I put up the new one and a few months later walked into the kitchen and saw this.
You mean that's just doggie skid marks?
I get some unusual art on my windows. I have thought about putting dots of tempera on the window and seeing what happens, but then I'd have nose prints all over the house.
(I mean I do anyway... but not purple ones)

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