in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

The problem with "talent" is some people feel they are born with it, things come easy, so they don't feel they have to work and develop it. Others feel they don't have talent, so they don't bother working to develop the skills. I'm of the "1% inspiration, 99% perspiration" viewpoint. Yes, he had talent, but he had to work and study phenomenally hard to develop, focus and enhance it.

Someone with little talent who really works to develop what they have will surpass someone with loads of talent who sits on their laurels. Of course, someone like this Spanish artist, who combines both, can really be magnificent.

True that. Have a couple of kids that took piano lessons. Did they keep it up? No.
Can they still play like when they were taking lessons and practicing? No, of course not. I also have a daughter that can draw. She's gotten too busy working, and raising two children..husband yes, but it's still a full time job with someones help. Hopefully, she will get back into her drawing when they get older, which is now! Ha, but, she is still working. Practice, makes perfect. :)
I had talent. and when it comes easy you enjoy it and do a lot of it. I got to the point where if I had followed my heart, I would be doing it every day.

Unfortunately my mother's mantra was that only people too stupid to do anything else do art.
It was painful to be chastised for wasting time every time I enjoyed being creative. I can not imagine a world without art. Printed colorful clothing, cool looking cars, design is everywhere and she just did not understand how her life was enriched by all of those 'stupid' people.

All of you parents out there reading this, Encourage your children at what they love to do.
Encourage the bookworm, encourage the mud pie maker.

Life is about living, not waiting for whenever. it is NOW. Relish it now.

Go forth and draw on something., cook, create, make a mess, waste time, waste money, be happy.
...have some ice cream.
Unfortunately my mother's mantra was that only people too stupid to do anything else do art.
Unfortunately, that mis-perception is common, as is the belief that art is a frill, a luxury.

Art and creativity are what differentiates us from all the other species. Animals can love, hate, be kind, be cruel, cry, laugh, work, play, sleep, eat... but humans constantly create and innovate, expressing it in art, music, dance... it makes us human and keeps us human. We need to celebrate, support and encourage that, especially in our children.
And yet... What do people spend their disposable money on?
clothing and entertainment. not boring clothing. not dull clothing. (Well, I do appreciate a sensible shoe ) but my point- as I teeter on this soap box- is that the artists in this world, the designers, musicians, the graphic engineers, they make the drudgery of everything else enjoyable.
Art comes in many different forms. I enjoy writing a poem every now and again. I have one I especially like that is inspirational/spiritual. If anyone is interested, let me know, I will share. :)
Art comes in many different forms.   I enjoy writing a poem every now and again.  I have one I especially like that is inspirational/spiritual.  If anyone is interested, let me know, I will share.  :)

Cynthia12 - how about starting a new poetry thread? I'm sure there are many gifted writers on this site, whom the rest of us would love to read!

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