in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

They are adorable!
I want some but I hate losing the very occasioanl chicken to predators, I imagine it would happen more often to guinea fowl.
Well, I am trying to get them used to this little coop & predator proof pen, built just for them. They do come to me when I call them, been practicing daily, with live mealworms in hand. They'll eat a few from my hand but prefer when I toss them, I do a bit of both. This photo of them relaxing, I took it today as I sat with them, just a few feet away. They know my voice, what words I use & I've learned to move slowly when close to them. I was told to get them comfortable with a routine & just before dusk I turn a night light on for them & call them inside. So far so good. I know they'll never be tame like chickens, but if they can learn their coop is their safe home, that will help. When I do eventually let them out to free range, I can only hope they'll want to come back to safety & food, when I call them. Time will tell. Even though they are a skittish type of bird & don't like to be held, they have tolerated the times I've looked them over, to make sure there's no mites. At bed time they will actually let me pick them up to put them on the perch, but I put the night light in now, so they can see to jump up themselves. They are not exactly "lap sitting tame" but they do seem to have a level of trust for me & relax in my presence, that's even more than I ever expected...I thought they'd always be jittery, jumpy, jack in the box, hoppers. They've witnessed me chasing off hawks, maybe they realize how much I've come to love them. ❤️
Childhood memory Dad brought guinea home from Auction I was about 10 within
about 1/2 hour. Ma said get them outa here and we had them gone fast.
The noise made has never appealed to me.
Long lost birds of past. The rooster was with pullets became dinner one day.
I laughed at this line 🤣🤣🤣
"They are a sight to behold, but they also have distinct personalities characterized mainly by their incredible lack of intelligence."
I've read several things about guineas, Various sites & opinions, many mentioned that the birds are stupid...That is such an insult, I felt sad about that label. It actually just makes me have more compassion & patience for them.

It's true that some animals can be very silly. I had quite a goofy dog once, compared to my other dog, he did everything backwards, plus Every time he took a drink out of the water bowl, he left a puddle all over the floor, if one was barefoot & hit that puddle either it became a slip & fall on your duff or resemble someone flailing that just tried ice skates for the 1st time. He always needed to have his mush face wiped with a large towel, while my Niki, A dog even larger, & the same breed, Never spilled a drop of water when she got a drink. The male, truly acted & even resembled Goofy, with his facial expression.

Well, I just hope my Guineas will be sensible enough to appreciate the safety & comfort of sleeping in their coop. Time will tell.

What's cute is I gave them a gazebo in their pen, as the weather is still nice & my flock is enjoying sleeping in their gazebos. I am painting coats inside the guineas new coop, this week the interior will be done, all painted with perches, etc. So, when I moved them into their new pen with gazebo, they did go inside, relax in the shade & jumped up on the perch, but when it got dark they were huddled on the ground. Where I had them before, they'd jump up on a perch for sleep. I picked them up & placed them on the perch, but as I'd pick up the 2nd one, the 1st would jump back down...they were calm about it all, but I felt like I was in an Abott & Costello scene! 😆
I got a flashlight that has a low setting & hung it up inside the gazebo...they love a night light! They hopped right up & slept on the perch together. ❤️
Guineas love night lights! Too cute. I spoke to them softly, "nighty night sweeties", like tucking in little kids & they did these sweet little sounds back. I know...I'm so nurturing right? 😆 They are adorable. Later when I just had gotten undressed & had a shower, I heard someone sounding the alarm...there was a large skunk waddling around the yard, black underside with very wide white stripe on back. Guess he was digging for grubs? Guineas let me know Mr. Pepe' Le Pew was out & about. I stayed in. For 5 min Guineas & then all Roosters were sounding off. 😆 I thought it was pretty cool, actually.
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