in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

my breakfast this morning. soft shell crab eggs benedict

I saw the pic before I read the caption and all I could think was:" I have not had soft shelled crab in over 28 years! WHAAA!"
But I am glad someone is enjoying it. You deserve it for the certified wildlife habitat yard. I was headed that way, but then I started getting annoyed at the birds for eating the blueberries that I planted for them and decided I was not as into it as I needed to be.

Whats next, are archeologists going to rule that midgets are not real people?

Google foo is telling me that we also have a new ocean.... Poof, new water...
Our sign is simpler, but still nice. We have 3 acres with a creek and about 1/4 acre of fen- not a lot of fen, but then again, there are only about 350 acres of good quality fen in the entire state.

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