Inconsistent Egg Laying


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
East-Central Idaho
Hello BYC:
I have six Golden Laced Wyondottes 11 months old. They started laying at 5 months old and I get anywhere from 2 to four eggs daily and on four occasions so far have gotten six eggs in one day. Now that they are nearly a year old I was hoping they would be more consistent with five or six eggs a day - not happening. The get free choice Layena Crumbles and pellets, oyster shell and grit. Through the winter I also gave them old fashioned oats just before they went to roost which I am still doing. I occasionally give them some BOSS and alfalfa hay. Is there something I'm missing here that I should be doing to get my six eggs a day? Is the added oatmeal throwing off their nutritional balance? Help?
I never had your variety of chickens, but as you stated, they were not '''''''' egg each day '''''''' per chicken. It just may be particular to that breed.. Someone with same would be able to answer that better. You are doing the feeding proper. IMO Now if you want maximum egg production. then you should consider white leghorns, production reds, or orphingtons, just to mention some of the top producers.
Hello BYC:
I have six Golden Laced Wyondottes 11 months old. They started laying at 5 months old and I get anywhere from 2 to four eggs daily and on four occasions so far have gotten six eggs in one day. Now that they are nearly a year old I was hoping they would be more consistent with five or six eggs a day - not happening. The get free choice Layena Crumbles and pellets, oyster shell and grit. Through the winter I also gave them old fashioned oats just before they went to roost which I am still doing. I occasionally give them some BOSS and alfalfa hay. Is there something I'm missing here that I should be doing to get my six eggs a day? Is the added oatmeal throwing off their nutritional balance? Help?

It sounds like your chickens are doing well for their breed. If you wanted to get six eggs from six hens, a high production breed would have been the way to go. To be honest, even my leghorns don't lay every single day. It would seem that what you have been getting will be your normal for numbers. Remember as they get older they will actually slow down once they get into their third year. Not to mention, yours should be preparing for their one year molt which will have them taking a breather for a while.
I'm so glad you posted this question, as I was wondering that myself! 5 Barred Rocks that I've had for just a week. Nearly everyday this week, they've given me 5 eggs, sometimes six. And then yesterday, 3. They are around a year too, and I didn't even think about them molting. Thanks for posting!
Hmmm, hadn't thought about it being the breed. I will check into that. Thanks
There are plenty of breeds that are amazing layers. Wyandottes are actually one of them for producing around 200-250 eggs per year for their first 2 years. Other breeds ( some even better) Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links, Leghorns, PRs, RIRs, and so on. These breeds give you 300 plus eggs their first couple years.
But even the best layers will not give you one every single day of the week with no break. If they do, they have extremely short egg-laying lives since they get burned out fast. One egg a day, every day, 365 eggs a year. Five a week, still a very good ratio, is 260. Just a bit more than the high end of the average for the breed in question. The OP just wasn't aware of the true break down of the numbers. For a Wyandotte, it would be normal to get three or four a week from each hen.
I have one golden lace and 7 black stars and two RIR I just recently acually four days ago just started getting eggs it seems like so far I'm getting 5/7 out of the week I hope my black stars do the same but from what I've found from others with the same types of birds I just hope the eggs get a bit the white one is store bought for comparison bigger

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