Inconsistent temps for the first 3 days... still hatchable?


Jul 27, 2018
London, Ontario
I recently made my own incubator and I currently have 12 fertile eggs sitting in it. The first 3/4 days I couldn’t quite get the gauges perfect. The temperature was always between 35-40 and the humidity was around 30-40 percent. It is now stabilized at 37 degrees and 50 percent humidity. I can see a small amount of growth but obviously they are still very fresh eggs.

Do these have a high chance of hatching or have I thrown off the odds a bit by messing up the first couple days?

You should see small veining; looks kind a like a spider. Your light has to be bright and all the light has to go through the egg and not around it. The picture is an5th day egg so a 4th day egg would be a bit smaller.


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