Incubating call duck eggs

We have had the white calls act broody, but half way through they always get up. We have a pair of grey calls this year and are going to let the hen try to set. Normally we use a broody chicken. It seems that we always have one or 2 broody bantam wyandottes all year and they do a great job. Last year we had a large cochin hen that went broody so we stuck a total of 16 bantam duck eggs under her and all hatched. It was fun watching them, there were east indies and white calls, they seemed to be segregated in a way, and when we let them out, they ran straight for the water pans, the hen kept trying to call them out but they wouldnt listen.
I think my white call is going broody:) At least she is making what looks like a straw hole with this s nest???

There are two eggs there at the moment!! How many do they normally lay? I've never had a broody before do they sit all day every day cos she wasn't on them today??

Do you still clean out the nest and move her etc??

Nicola, I had only one batch of Calls to start with. I also have some goose eggs and chicken eggs in there with them. I set another batch today.

My Grey Calls are doing great and laying regularly. My Pastels are not laying as well. Ah well, they will start soon, probably. I put the second batch in today to test the fertility on the Pastels. The Greys have good fertility! But, I wanted a few more anyway. LOL!!

My first batch will be due the 16th. I can't wait to see what they will look like! They are out cooling it right now.

Hi Flyingmonkeypoop

Is the hatch over if she gets off half way through or can you rescue the eggs in the incubator? Can't bear to loose any more:(

Hi DeAnna

I think our next project maybe goose eggs, are they easier than call to incubate do you think?? Can you keep ducks, chucks and geese together or do they need seperate pens. I have heard of blackhead disease does this affect them if tehy are together?? Our babaies are due about the same time mine are the 18th.

Hi Bantymama

Did those eggs turn up this weekend?

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