Incubating duck eggs!!!/ hatch along for any bird

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. Ducks one week before. But they give up on around 18 days
hm. What kind of incubator are you using?

@Lacrystol @WVduckchick any ideas?
Some duck breeds only incubate 25 days, while some are 28, that's why I asked what breed. Are they your duck eggs? (Like from your own birds)
Someone gave me 2 dozen duck eggs today and after cracking one to see if they were even fertile( I don't know the person so I didn't know if they had a male) they are. I was going to try to hatch some of them, but I'm going to pick up chicken eggs next weekend to hatch so I wasn't sure if I could do that. Could anyone even guess the breed if I sent a picture of the eggs? I'm using a Farm innovators digital forced air incubator. Are there any tips for hatching these guys?
Put the duck eggs in first, if you are getting the chicken eggs in a week they should hatch at the same time...

That's what I figured but I've never incubated ducks before so thank you. I just wish who I got them from had mentioned what breed they were gah. They just left them at my work and I offered to take them because nobody knew what to do with them. I didn't even know if they were fertile until I got home. Oh well. Ducklings are fun
I took some eggs from our ducks at home and we are incubating them in my first grade classroom. We are on day 29/30 depending on when you start counting (I have seen many different opinions on that). We have 4 that have hatched and one that has been going at it for 2 1/2 days now! None of the other 8 eggs have even externally pipped yet :( I was so careful to keep the temperature and humidity perfect throughout the whole incubation period! I candled the eggs a couple days before lockdown and they were all doing great and wriggling around! What could have gone wrong?? Should I give them another couple days or so? Our two drakes are a runner and a mallard. And our hens are runners, mallards, and a rouen. Do rouens take a bit longer since they are bigger ducks? Any advice would be appreciated!
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