Incubating geese trouble!! please help

its an embden goose. its quite a small incubator so can't really put a blow in there, but i can topp up the reservoirs, however, wound it compromise the hatch if i open the incubator at this late stage (28 days)?

this is just going on what people have been saying about 'lock down', not an expert so any advice is great!!
its an embden goose. the bator is quite small so can't place a bowl in it but i can fill up reservoirs. but worried this will compromise the hatch at such a late stage (28 days), do you think opening it now will cause damage to eggs? ( I'm not an expert so any advice is great).

what is lock down exactly??
Lockdown means putting an imaginary lock on your incubator so you don't open it. High humidity is extremely critical during hatching. Whenever you open your bator, you release the built up humidity and expose inside to room's dryer air.
i hatched eggs recently, i found folding half a sheet of kitchen roll down quite small and placing it in the water well so it was sticking out a bit, really increased humidity as creates more surface area for evaporation. good luck with your hatch.
You have to make that call for yourself. Running the bator too dry during hatch can lead to shrink wrap, opening it can also. However you have to get the humidity up so look at your bator and figure out a way to get more water in there. When you add water you need to add hot water so the steam helps boost humidity quickly.
since the bator is so small is it possible to quickly take it to the bathroom and run the shower on hot to make the room up to like 90% humidity then open it to add maybe a cloth soaked with water or what ever your gong to use to up the humidity??? Just a thought...I am just incubateing my first set of goose eggs so I am no expert by far! Just chicken eggs have been my thing for the past 12 years and I have done this with them. JEN
I am going through the same thing. We hatch naturally, under goose, and in the bator. This is however the first time I have heard a gosling talking to me before hatching. They are not do to hatch for 4 more days. The one egg was talking when i got home from work last night at 10pm. When I checked it at midnight, no I didn't open the bator, I just looked in, there was no talking. Again this morning at 6am, before I went out to feed the animals, no talking. When I got back in at 7:20, the egg was talking away. At this point I did open the bator to spritz the eggs and check humidity as I always do. I did not hear any clicking noise, just the peeping. At 11am, there again was no noise. I am a little worried because as I said, I have never had an egg talk to me before.
Am I doing something wrong? Is the humidity not right this time? It is a foam bator. We have used it for chicks, ducks and geese. The water wells are full. I do have a mix of eggs this time. In the past they have all been toulouse eggs, this time they are black african, toulouse, roman tufted and embden. I have 4 of each in the bator.
Grandma, you should be ok if you have not seen them externally pip yet, but I would add a few soaked warm water sponges to it and then not open bator again. It is really important the humidity stays above 75% and every time you open bator, critical steam escapes. Reservoirs alone in a foam bator is usually not enough to get humidity to 75-80%.

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