Incubating in my bra

Best of luck! Did you try adding an insulation to your bra yet?
I'm not trying it...
But I do want to try some kind of insulation in there and then check the temp.
I don't have any little eggs and a chicken egg would be obvious. 😂
And I'm not sure what my parents would think...
And it's winter....
And I'm in a lot of physical activities 😂
I'm not trying it...
But I do want to try some kind of insulation in there and then check the temp.
I don't have any little eggs and a chicken egg would be obvious. 😂
And I'm not sure what my parents would think...
And it's winter....
And I'm in a lot of physical activities 😂
Just tell your parents its for the science fair 😉. Trust me your dad will be all gun ho about it. At least my dad always was about science fairs. One year I tested the theory that soda will rot your teeth. My dad got me Hydrochloric Acid to use. I used my baby teeth and tried it in water as the control, soda and acid. The tooth was fine in the soda and water but the acid disolved it in 3 days. My teacher though asked "uhh where did you get the acid?" My answer was "my dads a chemist" but really he got it from the pickle line at the steel mill.

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