Incubating Muscovy Eggs (first timer here..)


Mar 16, 2022
Ok. I was given 14 fertile Muscovy eggs. Mama had been sitting on them about 11 days. By my calculation hatching day should be May 24-27 … but! This morning 4 were wiggling! Doesn’t this mean they may hatch in the next 7 days?! How can I lock down when I’m not sure if they are all ready?? Do I need to quickly candle or just assume and lockdown? Thank you!!!
The gal who gave them to me - yes she took them from the mama. She didn’t want ducklings. Wiggling externally. I can see thru my incubator window
Candled 2 eggs quickly. One duck wasn’t in the air cell, the other is through and knocking on the shell. !!! I couldn’t find the air cell at first ( this was an egg I wrote “dead” on a week ago cuz it looked odd…), the duck was so far through it had barely any light left.

Just shows u never know. When in doubt I leave the egg in 😀 I’ve locked down now. Here we go!

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