Incubating...No pip yet


In the Brooder
Aug 15, 2016
So I set a few eggs on 8/10 and a few on 8/11 and still no pips yet. The temp is steady at 100 and humidity about 62. There was movement at candle when i checked just before lockdown. Any ideas as to when I should expect to see some pips!?! of course the only thing im thinking is that something is going wrong.
What are you counting as day 1? Unless you set early morning, you're on day 20 for your 8/10 hatch and day 19 for your 8/11 hatch. Hope that helps :) I'm on day 20 for chickens too (and day 28 for ducks) and the waiting is killing me!
I honestly cant remember what time. I would say around noon because my girls dont lay until just before. Right when I posted this i saw 8/10 seriously wiggly lol! I wasnt expecting it and just jumped! I love being able to watch thru the window.
Today would be day 21 for the eggs set on the 10th and day 20 for the eggs set on the 11th. Count starts 24 hours after set. Usually if your temps are right you generally start to see action mid day 20. A chick can take 24 hours after the internal pip to make an external pip and it can take another 24 hours from external pip to zip. The zip, however, should be quicker and most zip out in under an hour. Mine usually are zipped in 20 minutes start to finish. If they stall I help.

Do you have still or forced air and have you checked your thermometer for accuracy? I would say it's a tad low for you not having any pips yet going into day 21.

If you are seeing movement that's a great sign and hopefully you'll see some pips soon.
It is still air. I have one thermometer reading in between 100 and 101 and the other reading 102
Is the wobble possibly the chick pip into the air sac? I wont be able to listen to little peeps because I just picked up a couple lil ones and they are a tad bit loud!
Is the wobble possibly the chick pip into the air sac? I wont be able to listen to little peeps because I just picked up a couple lil ones and they are a tad bit loud!
LOL It could very well be them pipping into the air cell, or it could be the attempt at the external pip. I have found that with my own hatches, the ones that externally pip closest to day 21 are the ones that take less time going from pip to zip. My hatches are usually early cause I run warm in my bator and they take forever to go from pip to zip.
i see the egg moving slowly but consistently from center to left over and over again! Im so excited to watch it hatch! First time btw lol

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