INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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no bleed out just head off? lol flopping flying chickens everywhere? cut and toss job? thats how I did the last ones, no time for fancy crap
Not a fan of bleeding them out. The first lost it's head cause I pulled to hard, the others kept there's. Just breaking necks and flopping chickens.
no bleed out just head off? lol flopping flying chickens everywhere? cut and toss job? thats how I did the last ones, no time for fancy crap
Bleeding out is to involved, gotta go get the kill cones or make them, stuff the bird in the there, bleed them, do something with the blood.........Way easier to just cut and toss. That's how we usually do it, either that or break the neck and let them flop.
Okey dokey, binbator has been running 100° for a bit now..... Don't have a hygrometer, but I know that with a little water it is at 25% so it should be good. Three thermometers, all at egg top level. Here we go! :fl
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You've done a good job with yourself............I'll catch up with you when I get out of detention.
you dont think you'll be in there with her?

Good Morning Everyone!

I've always wanted a canon. Wife says it isn't practical. My response was why does something that cool have to be practical. Long story short I still don't have one.
Fun things are never practical
I haven't been able to convince my wife I need one either.
my husband and a friend built a couple that shoot marbles, lol

I'm gonna have to take off early today. MUCH to do!

I do hope you all have a wonderful one!
have a great day!

It sure isn't. I've had to put a few down for various reasons, but that was the only time I ever did it myself.

Hello,this is my first hatch in over20some years. I have one hatched out other two are working on it. All born may 24i have a large plastic tote with wood shavings in it small feeder Di

sh and water with stones in it so they done drawn. I have light attached going get red heat light bulb in a few. So how long does heat lamp stay on chicks 24/7 for how long two weeks three? They will stay in house till much bigger. Because of snakes.and temp.

it depends on temps, and feathers

And you are doing a marvelous job of it.
My vet always asked if I wanted them back. I always planted them in the flower bed. Dead bodies usually went in the woods.
or the swamp

I did and it locked my laptop up
and it was worth it lol

We we're always told who ever the chick sees first is its mama. Is this true?
it depends on how soon, and doesnt always work
@casportpony :love @gbartha or @casportpony can you post a excel file on here for it? I can add it to the notes and the 101 article for others with all the other ones there. Thank you gbartha :love dang woman!!! Can I move with you please? I need babies!! Im jonesin Kat and her pony!!!!! @Beer can !!!!! how are you? :frow I dont seem to see anyone responded to you! sorry about that I was out sick again. ughhhh I leave mine in for about 12-14 hours until most are hatched out. but if you have a ton hatched you can grab them and shells quickly. How did your hatch go? So your heat was a tad high, but it sounds like your doing awesome! I run high temps 100.5 and sometimes higher until lockdown then I lower it Thanks whites, yer sweet!:hugs thank you Mike :hugs oh geez howd they taste? OH BANTI!!!! you need to post that rock paper over in my member interview lol silly sweets!! good one!! tru day I give!!! I WANT GOATS and dangggggg that is cute!
How do I link to the excel sheet?
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