INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Failure to thrive.

Nope no more. Didn't think anybody would.


:weee   :celebrate   YAYYY BANTI"S BACK!!! BANTI"S BACK!!! :weee   :celebrate   

LOL. I wonder what you'd do if I wasn't online for one day? :gig

  The all flock feed should be ok, is protein 20% or more? 

You almost sound like Sally, complaining about your internet. :gig

Glad you are feeling better.

22%, I think.

LOL, that I do!
LOL. I wonder what you'd do if I wasn't online for one day?
(well not really, cause i dont do that sorta thing)
but i would be lonely
 22% Should be ok for the keets, just wouldn't go to the layer, or grower depending on that protein %.

Okay. I have SO much trouble finding all-flock feed, because the feed store is small enough it gets feed based on what customers request, that is, if there are enough of them! They have duck (gamebird) pellets, several brands of layer pellets, chick starter, and broiler crumble, but not much else...... I think most others just feed layer to their whole flock, except chicks.
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Any way to let them start free ranging together under supervision?

I'm afraid the little boogers will escape somehow. I thought about letting my top hen into the chicken tractor with them to free range together in that, so I could easily remove her if she gets too aggressive with them. They are rather flighty chicks, just kept the 3 of them (I gave the other hatch mates to a friend that needed more in her flock); one is a rooster, the other 2 I hope are hens (so far so good). They have been sleeping outside in a coop that is attached to the main run, but I have it closed off from them getting into the run or the big girls getting in to them. The big girls sleep in a coop on the other end of the run.
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