INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I've never seen more than two in mine, they usually don't squabble and just take another box. OH WAIT mebbe that's cuz I have 21 nest boxes available so they couldn't argue if they tried.....
Well one of those 4 is my broody.
How many chickens can fit in your nest boxes? Mine can hold at least 4.

they use the other one at all? they like a 2" lip or more in the front of the nest boxes, mine layed on the floor until I added them, very odd
Quote: six total enough to make a sane person dig a hole...... and over 12 hrs a day
You must have the patience of Job, or no hair, or both. I couldn't do it.

I am at then end of my rope lets just say that.... I need to find a new way, but unfortunately my health thinks otherwise ughhh
they use the other one at all? they like a 2" lip or more in the front of the nest boxes, mine layed on the floor until I added them, very odd
Yea they use the other one as well. The poor girl all the way in the back is my broody so the others thought they would climb in there with her. Hopefully they were just trying to keep her company.
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