INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I really like the mandarin ducks but I haven't been able to find any eggs. Again I said I would want to wit u til spring but it's never to early to start looking. Does anyone know anyone who has any?
[COLOR=008080]Incubating w/ Friends Hatcher List[/COLOR]

[COLOR=008080]Birthdays: deserteggs22 Oct. 2[/COLOR] Sally Sunshine AKA Sally I set more eggs for the HAL HAL.... BCM eggs all inferts last time, fingers crossed yet again! Because I really really love the spotted eggs! serama but we separated frizzled and straights at this point so roos are new to some, so no clue fertility AGAIN! Last time I set these GODZILLA Eggs the were inferts, and I dont know if she lets the BCM on her so I gotta at least try to set AND these DUCK EGGS ARE KILLING MEEEEEEE I MUST NOT SET THEM NO NO NO!!! BantyChooks AKA Banti, Bubbles or Chicken Little.... It depends who you ask Nothing till spring.... Though the enablers here are trying their bestest to make sure I give up. Chaos18 AKA Trouble, Ginger, or Chaos 2 ducklings hatched by broodies 1 Dom chick hatched by broodies 12 Dom eggs in the bator. MotorcycleChick AKA MC, Meebrong, or Abi Two Mourning doves under broodies due any day now. Update- I am down to one dove egg. Update- The lone dove egg hatched! daxigait AKA Dax or Daxi Broody quit day six :hit Jessimom AKA Kathy @Jessimom mlm Mike AKA Mike Broody Icelandic, have no idea how many eggs. @mlm Mike casportpony AKA Kathy or Kat @casportpony sasafras4u2 @sasafras4u2 attimus AKA Zach @attimus megan805 @megan805 Leave a LightOn AKA LaLo @Leave a LightOn danielkbrantley AKA Daniel @danielkbrantley cabinchicky AKA Chicky @cabinchicky ChickenCanoe AKA CC @ChickenCanoe DwayneNLiz AKA Liz TEST RUN of new bator!! GO LIZ!! heatherfeather7 AKA Heather My broody is done with her hatch. Started with 12 eggs, 1 got crushed and died, 1 missing completely (think a snake got it), the remaining 10 hatched. 9 are with broody mama and doing great, 1 in the house with me ... Praying it survives! South OH Chicks Im starting BCM eggs tomorrow @South OH Chicks I know you had one rocker, update plz?? One pip! Watermelon123 AKA Melon Barnyard mix eggs campingshaws AKA camping Cochin eggs under broody, 15 LF eggs and 15 ancona webberz eggs in the bator... Just for science, y'know? country lovin AKA TyAnna I just put some f2 olive eggers in the coolerbator yesterday and I have a couple mixes under a serama broody that should lay a spearmint green color. Roada Red AKA Dale I have the 14 serama eggs and I don't know how many I am throwing in of mine to test the homemade box bator. Akrnaf2 AKA Benny Honora I am hatching also, I have 4 eggs in the incubator (EE's and chocolate orp mixes), 5 eggs with broodies (also EE's and chocolate orp mixes). They are due to hatch on Monday.


[COLOR=000000]Please tag me if you'd like to be added or if you have updates.[/COLOR]
@BantyChooks -are you who I am supposed to tag to get added? I have 8 Ayam Cermani, 30 BCM's, about 40 Serama, 5 Cream legbar, 5 Icelandic, 5 mottled java, 3 watermaels, 4 brahmas, 2 favorelles & 2 orps and a partridge in a pear Due to hatch between 9/27 & 10/5. @Sally Sunshine SET THOSE DUCKIES!!! @DwayneNLiz want babies!!!!
Only that? :lau

What kind of goats are these?...... :lau

The tasty ones? :lol:
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