INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Enough is enough I can't wait any longer. I'm a longoing time lurker / borderline stalker. Been watching for a few months since before chicken hawks previous set (what ever happened with the two last eggs). After reading all you have to say I can't wait to join in the hatching fun I've aquired a smaller display glass front mini fridge and plan to turn it into a incubator.I'll take pictures along the way as well my goal is to be ready to hatch along for easter. I started with chickens last sep/Oct when egg prices here rose to 5$ a doz. I've always wanted chickens anyway but this was a perfect excuse to get some. I started out knowing nothing buying 6 production reds which I thought were rir's from the swap meet. 1 died over night and 3 more over the course of a few months from my dog breaking into the run. Was left with 2 thanks God chicken math kicked in and got 8 chicks in Oct from a feed store. Built another bigger stronger coop and that's where I am at now. Sorry for the long introduction an any spelling or gramatical errors I'm on mobile mostly.

Welcome to BYC!

Gilroy, CA
Thanks, whites. Don't see any need to sugarcoat anything! I think people need to know what they're diving into!!! That's how I roll....
Not that they could ever know before they're hooked on the place....then it's too late
Out of 42 eggs....19 are fertile. Not a single EE egg was fertile. Blue is mounting but not fertilizing yet. Oh well, 19 of 20 BCM eggs look great :)
Wow, Bj... don't know wheter to congratulate or console you. At least you know Blue will eventually get there. Congrats on your BCM eggs... and sorry about your EE's.
Enough is enough I can't wait any longer. I'm a longoing time lurker / borderline stalker. Been watching for a few months since before chicken hawks previous set (what ever happened with the two last eggs). After reading all you have to say I can't wait to join in the hatching fun I've aquired a smaller display glass front mini fridge and plan to turn it into a incubator.I'll take pictures along the way as well my goal is to be ready to hatch along for easter. I started with chickens last sep/Oct when egg prices here rose to 5$ a doz. I've always wanted chickens anyway but this was a perfect excuse to get some. I started out knowing nothing buying 6 production reds which I thought were rir's from the swap meet. 1 died over night and 3 more over the course of a few months from my dog breaking into the run. Was left with 2 thanks God chicken math kicked in and got 8 chicks in Oct from a feed store. Built another bigger stronger coop and that's where I am at now. Sorry for the long introduction an any spelling or gramatical errors I'm on mobile mostly.
What took you so long???? Welcome. I hope to see you around on the many threads!
Grit Magazine

Hobby Farms Magazine

Fresh Eggs Daily

ways to save on feed

how to make removable perches for easier cleaning... No one use sticks unless they are at least as wide as a 2x4 in cold climates always use a 2x4 on the side to prevent frostbit toes!

keeping them clean, no roost feeders or we use a cut out milk jug over ours!

white wash

fun stuff for the run

hang your tools up!

I sold Grit mag as a kid for a while

you did? lol

Thanks CC...I believe I've changed my mind, though. I was in the midst of ordering to checkout & discovered the shipping costs added approximately 50% to the purchase price! For $60 I'll keep stomping the ice out of the rubber feed pans I've always used.
you were to use the free shipping couponcode lol

Quote: thanks saris, I always need labs done no biggy all is ok

Nice! Just wanted to let you all know I had a chick hatch around lunch time today! The other malpositioned one is still just a pip. Hope it makes it.
sweet Pics when you can!

Well my cute little Morticia from the Halloween HAL started crowing today. Guess I'll be calling him Mortie now.
LOL love Mortie !! mine arent crowing yet!

Quote: Not likley!!
That would mess with Sally's supreme leader position in BYC posts/chatty stats!!

Hope u feel better Sally
oh yyeeezz thanks I am fine, took a nap after doing some housework!

Good afternoon all. Have a couple of questions about calibrating thermometers and accuracy.

I just hatched 5 out of 7 of my own eggs in a Brinsea Mini Advanced using their preset thermometer @ 99.6 deg. Because the eggs were quite large I was planning on using a Hova Bator still air as a separate hatcher. Set it up a couple of days in advance to make sure it was going to be up to temp. Have multiple thermometers and calibrated 2 with the ice slurry test. One of them (small black Avian Web in center) did take forever to reach 32.2 deg. I put 5 different thermos in the Hova to be on the safe side. I could never get a reading over 97.6 deg on the Avian Web that I calibrated. Or on anything else that was in there. So I decided to go ahead & use the Brinsea instead.

After taking the turner out on day 18 I was able to get the small Avian Web thermo/hygro inside. The max temp it would give me was 94.10. I was sure I had killed all my babies. They were all candled and weighed on correct days and I could see movement in the 3 light ones and veining on the blues.

FFWD to day 21, 2 hours in. I had the 1st pip. I thought I had heard faint cheeping earlier in the day but thought I was imagining it. An hour later another pipped. And they both hatched overnight. No sticky or shrink wrapped chicks. Heard more cheeping. And then an external pip. Ended up 3 more chicks hatched into Day 22. No sticky or shrink wrap. Perfect fluffed up babies.

My question is this, if the reading of the calibrated thermo was really 94.1 would anything have hatched at all? Or delayed by days? If this same thermo was reading 97 in the Hova, and I put them in there to hatch would they have been cooked?

I am going to recalibrate everything and I think I will put some of the digital ones outside in a Ziploc on Thurs when I know it will be below freezing. This has made me super paranoid about the accuracy of any thermometer. I have ordered a Boveda humidity test kit to calibrate the Caliber IV as it can be reset to correct RH.

Any thoughts on accurate brand as some of these were not cheap.

Thanks Kaycey
your a day late on some, so temps were a tad low but I wouldnt say 94. someone just said they calibrated better with the heat methods, try that? I dont have any of those. and three degrees if you were a bit low may have been ok, but somethings not right with your calibration so I agree give it another go.

EASY Calibration post #19746 bottom of post #20480
you did? lol

you were to use the free shipping couponcode lol

thanks saris, I always need labs done no biggy all is ok

sweet Pics when you can!

LOL love Mortie !! mine arent crowing yet!

oh yyeeezz thanks I am fine, took a nap after doing some housework!

your a day late on some, so temps were a tad low but I wouldnt say 94. someone just said they calibrated better with the heat methods, try that? I dont have any of those. and three degrees if you were a bit low may have been ok, but somethings not right with your calibration so I agree give it another go.

EASY Calibration post #19746 bottom of post #20480
I asked; was told there were none
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