INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Assistance Needed

Today is Day 17 for the school eggs. All 7 shipped eggs are still developing! It's storming bad here, so the humidity is 65%(and the power is flickering, hoping it will stay on!). Should I still add some water to the incubator since no one will be here at all over the weekend? If so, how much? It's a brinsea mini advanced.
I'm not the one to ask, since I've only recently hatched my 1st eggs in many years, but my gut feeling would tell me to wait til just before you leave for the day & maybe put a wet sponge in with the eggs. There'll be others in here soon who are far more qualified to answer you.
I've been reading through the thread and I WAS doing so good without hatching and having NO withdrawals...but now I have the itch!!! I wish I could hatch for someone else! Anyone ever put an ad on CL offering hatching services?
no way, too many people want shipped eggs hatched.

Has anyone ever candle all there eggs at day five and again on day 18
no exploding eggs are baaaaddd

Well the deal was I'm done hatching until spring and then he enables me lol. I have a list of breeds I want and a friend I've made on BYC that wants to see the effects of shipping eggs so she's sending them to me and whatever hatches are mine. But most of those breeds probably will be next fall at the earliest. Also I'm super wanting some Hedamoras, ccl, interested in bielefelders, Andalusians, campines, Buttercups, of cochins and several others. Basically I have a list of breeds I want and next to it I have the number. Most of these breeds are more of a trial and I want a hen or two(although I know its quite a small window) some of them I think I would like to breed. Eventually though I would like as many egg colors as possible. Who knows. Blues greens pinks browns chocolates maybe even plum and some white. Idk we'll see what I can find. We also want some ducks for eggs and pets mostly pets maybe a few for meat, I've never had duck. But I love when Cayougas lay black or almost black shelled eggs that would be cool in an egg basket. In the future I plan of course to have a better idea of what we like and breed a few breeds to sell. But also raising our own chickens for eggs and meat. Once of course we get a better idea what we want. We also hopefully will be trying a few langshan(fingers crossed for plum eggs) dorkings brahmas and a couple other breeds. Right now we have 5 slw(4 pullets and a cockeral- who may be dinner before too long), 2 buff Orpingtons, 4 isa browns(tractor supply sold out of white rocks and we had to get at least 6 chicks but they've been great I love them although ones kinda antisocial and one has an obsession with picking/pecking at your clothes), a wheaten or bbr(can't tell which) oegb cockeral, a golden laced sebright, and 4 Easter eggers in the main flock.

We also have six silkies(2 pullets 2 cockerals, 2 sending me mixed signals lol) a bantam barred cochin pullet and a self blue oegb pullet.

Then we have two black oegbs a pair, that I hatched from eggs(2) that we received from from a friend. They're supposed to be show quality and I rather think they are.

Then we have some black orps and orp mixes 3 pure black(father was split to lavender) 50% English orps
And three mixes with the same father. Two with a ccl mother and one with a white mother that laid pink eggs. Out of the six it looks like one little orp cockeral and one EE(orp/ccl) sex linked cockeral. The orp/ccl pullet has her Mommy's crest BTW so adorable. These six chicks were given to me by a BYCer after my flopped hatch and are almost 6 weeks.
arent you missing a few breeds????

Can anyone post pics of brown
eggs being candled at day five
nope mine are past that right now, sorry

I was wondering if there is enyone here from Louisiana going to the poultry swap in New Iberia Louisiana at the tractor supply
check your local thread in here

I am using a automatic turner is it normal for the embryo to be next to the air cell

Does anybody have an incubator for sale
check your local thread here
Holy moly; I don't check for two days and 178 posts!! Finally waded through them all.

Been a stressful few days because we've had a garden invasion THREE times in 10 days. :| I think it was the same person; they broke into shed twice, stole a cage of aviary birds the first time, and then second time they pulled out a nest box from the aviary, squished the bird inside and just threw it on the floor. Why are people so evil?! As a result I'm a bit stressed about the chickens. They busted open the padlock on the coop but none of the hens or roos were harmed or taken - but I'm fearful it'll happen again.

I've bought a travel crate and I now bring my 'posh' hens - d'anvers, polands and silkie - in at night. It's getting dark here around 4pm now.
The four layers and the two poland roos will have to take their chances. Garden alarm system coming today; I HOPE it won't actually be required and we'll be left alone!

BUT - the good news - checked incubator today on day 12, and though only three of the 12 silkie eggs I bought were fertile, all the embryo's are still going.
I'm doing a staggered hatch with some cemani eggs too, so I can check them in a couple of days for fertility. Fingers crossed!
oh man, do you have a night cam you can install? I agree on the arms! and imprisoned if harming a thief!!!! remind me not to add London to my bucket list
can you trap BEAR in your yard? WHAT CAN YOU DO? Does insurance cover this great loss?

Assistance Needed

Today is Day 17 for the school eggs. All 7 shipped eggs are still developing! It's storming bad here, so the humidity is 65%(and the power is flickering, hoping it will stay on!). Should I still add some water to the incubator since no one will be here at all over the weekend? If so, how much? It's a brinsea mini advanced.
your not home for the lockdown?
your not new to the show, look at the air cells and go with what you think you need to hold it over! brinsea are pretty tight arent they? its reading 65 in it now?
Nice to meet you too! I'm native British, living in the oh so sunny (not) south east. We're pretty suburban so space is limited, but have my ex-battery hen layers - i think they're a RIR hybrid - and just started (this year) with some fancier breeds. Trying to develop little d'anver, Poland and Silkie flocks to colour breed and potentially show. :)
Great! Sounds like interesting times ahead for you, and I'm sure your ex-battey hens appreciate their new-found freedom. I've got Red sex-links myself...great egg producers
I'm not the one to ask, since I've only recently hatched my 1st eggs in many years, but my gut feeling would tell me to wait til just before you leave for the day & maybe put a wet sponge in with the eggs. There'll be others in here soon who are far more qualified to answer you.

Thank you!

no way, too many people want shipped eggs hatched.

no exploding eggs are baaaaddd

arent you missing a few breeds???? :lau

nope mine are past that right now, sorry

check your local thread in here

check your local thread here
oh man, do you have a night cam you can install?  I agree on the arms! and imprisoned if harming a thief!!!!  remind me not to add London to my bucket list :barnie can you trap BEAR in your yard?  WHAT CAN YOU DO? Does insurance cover this great loss?

your not home for the lockdown? 
your not new to the show, look at the air cells and go with what you think you need to hold it over! brinsea are pretty tight arent they? its reading 65 in it now? 

They are at the local school. Yes, 65%. Thanks, I think I'll add in a wet towel. I like the brinsea a too, they work better than my old LG.
Okay, how do I raise humidity in my incubator? I've had it running since yesterday, and filled the 2 wells, but it's staying at 30-some-odd %.

ETA: I had the vent hole completely open. I closed this to a slit.


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Who talks to their incubating eggs? I swear everytime I talk to them some move almost in response. Not all together like I'm shaking the incubator but individually. Anyone experience this before?
Okay, how do I raise humidity in my incubator? I've had it running since yesterday, and filled the 2 wells, but it's staying at 30-some-odd %.

ETA: I had the vent hole completely open. I closed this to a slit.

what day are you on again? and are these calibrated? leave the vents open dont use them to control humidity
what bator is this?

if not calibrated see the hatching 101 article humidity section for the links on how to calibrate

how are your air cells looking? you need a higher humidity than that?
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