INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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TJ's auctions are AWESOME and the reported hatch rate for her shipped eggs have been just fabulous! It comes down to SUPER fresh eggs and great packing

Thank you for the compliments!

My boys are almost done restoring my old Jeep and now they want to buy a couple more Jeeps to restore....Using their EGG money! Doing a good job with their chickens has even more incentive now than just loving chickens! They just turned 16.
Thank you for the compliments!

My boys are almost done restoring my old Jeep and now they want to buy a couple more Jeeps to restore....Using their EGG money! Doing a good job with their chickens has even more incentive now than just loving chickens! They just turned 16.
Sounds like they've got their heads screwed on straight; refreshing for 16 year olds. I'm sure you're pretty proud of them both.

3/6/16 12 PM Thursday

Jessimom aka Kathy Ok, I set a 22 eggs last night, a mix of Silkie, Sizzle and Frilkies plus some Cream legbars. I got them last week and really couldn't wait any longer. They are in the death bator being hand turned, temps are holding right at 100. My 4 silkies babies that hatched yesterday are still in the LG. For the easter hal, I just received some Apenzeller Spitzhauben eggs and some bantam EEs These will go in the LG.

Hi Sally, My current update is as follows:

22 eggs set on 3/2 - a mix of Silkie/Sizzle/Frilkie and Cream Legbars They started out in the Incuview, but are now in my LG. Late on 3/5 we set 15 Blue Bantam EE's (Thanks TJ), 16 Spitzhauben eggs (Thanks Crazytalk), 19 of my own Silkie eggs and 6 Trader Joes eggs that I doubt are fertile, but I'm trying anyway. These are all in the new Brinsea. I added another 4 Trader Joes eggs in my LG. So, a total of 60 eggs for the Easter HAL.

Hello to everyone!!
I had to skip a few hundred posts. But what I did see,,. beautiful chicks, great hatch stories. Wow that is a lot of guinea pigs. New roosters and lots of other stuff. The Easter Hatch is all set, lots of eggs are going to hatch!!

So, I haven't been on much since I volunteer for a great organization and they had a gala last night that I worked at. I got there around 3, but didn't leave till close to 1am. The main event was inside, but registration, the auction items and check out was outside in a tent. About 1/2 way through it started POURING, and the tent leaked, mainly it seeped underneath the edges. When you are wearing an evening gown with comfy flip flop fancy shoes, it makes for a very wet dress.

Sad news, On Friday, I lost one of the week old chicks. One of the Buff Brahmas. We aren't sure what happened, they were all healthy. But yesterday we found one of our NY HAL chicks with a swollen crop and we massaged out ONLY food. But it was lethargic and didn't make it.

Let's hope the rest are healthy. Happy hatching to everyone!!


Quote: awwwwww you gonna float them? or eggtopsy?

@Sally Sunshine
Did you get my update?
Is it sufficient?
Do I need to mark ac?

I suddenly forgot everything g
Shipped Eggs = Change Of Plans! post #53845
you said air cells were good? cept two? you know what to do

That baby I helped is zipping and that makes me happy.

Where everyone went?
you dont want to know what I am doing today ha ha ha not having fun is all I can say


Quote: Oh, you shouldn't have put the snowblower away.

In Ohio, at least up by Lake Erie, March can have some of our heavier snow falls. I guess if the lake thaws a lot of moisture gets picked up in the air, the temp drops and then there is snow.


Quote: I inow, but I can't get myself to believe it. I was so darn stupid.
I'm sorry Duckling is not feeling well.
I missed that!!! awwwwww poor baby!
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