INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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My ee egg from today
I want green eggs so bad. I have 4 Americana chicks that are about 2 weeks old I bought from our local feed store. They are supposed to be pullets. I hope so
The yolk can be suficiant up to 72 ouers, I personaly don't leave them more than 10-15.
As soon as possibel that they get excess to food and wather it is the best for them!

Hey Akrnaf, i know you dont speak english but do you mind if i help you out a little? I dont mean to offend you at all just thought you might want to know how to spell certain words better. The english language is one weird language, for isntance, when you type ouers, even though it sounds right it is actually spelt hours. Sorry if that seems offensive just thought it would help! But you already speak great for english not being your first language. Maybe you dont need help :p

Yes yes I have been there not for the first time! Every one here know that I have some big spelling problems!
So I am not ofended, I am willing to learn from every one, and belive me that I try it more then once, didn't work!
The combination, of my age, littel Iped, late houer and the fact that I don't speek english don't realy help!
But belive or not I published an article in English, about the gentics of Rhinos!
one duck has been pipped going on 48 hrs. It is moving and peeping through the hole the membrane around the hole has turned yellow. Humidity is at 80%. Should I assist? The other one is still rocking the egg but no pip, day 31 for it. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose my baby mallards.
Not me, there are so many people on here that have built their own.  I'm strictly a store bought incubator
OK. Thank you again, and good luck on your hatch. If you don't mind, let me know what your hatch rate was in your new brinsea. I may still get a new incubator. So many options. Lol
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