INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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What would you charge per chick for barnyard mixes? (My hens are black jersey Giants, barred rocks, a sex link and a reddish buff Easter egger with darker tail...& and barred rock roo)

And what do you charge for chicks, vs say, 8 or 10 week old pullets and Roos?
It somewhat depends on where you are.
Barnyard mixes would probably be 1 or 2 per chick.
I charge $10 per chick for pure black Penedesencas but they aren't barnyard mixes.

As for pullets and cockerels, I refuse to lose money on them. I try to ascertain what it cost me to incubate, brood and feed them to that age and charge accordingly.
Before I'll give birds away, I'll eat them.

Wonderful! Hooray for more pips!

I never touch my broody hens either. There are a few that I'm kind of afraid of.

Awesome! I love HRIR!
I had a frizzle Delaware hen that was broody often. She scared the hell out of me.

I hope the shell isn't too hard to pip through
CH33, would you PLEASE explain something to me?
How on earth would your bird's shell be harder to pip through than the trillions of its species that came before?
Or is it that you are so bored and obsessed with this hobby that you overthink it at every turn?
I'll only check if she leaves the nest. I had a broody last year and it was a mess. Several eggs cracked and made a mess. Two hatched. We grafted a few more chicks on the hen... And then a raccoon got all the chicks and watching poor mama search for the young was the saddest sight ever
It is sad.
I had raccoons break into my cellar and kill everything in my brooder. I went on the warpath.

Hello Everyone! I'm at a friends house and they think they might have a rooster. Hatched on New Years.

Those are rooster hackle and tail feathers.

I've only ever had one go broody, and I learned real quick to wear a heavy duty leather work glove.
I have between 2 and 10 go broody each year and gloves are a good idea. I try to leave them alone.
I had 2 silkies that just went broody and they ignored us completely when we were tipping them to look at the babies, or when we lifted them to check eggs. Not ONCE did they peck us.

That's because they were silkies, not real chickens.

Just try tipping and lifting with one of these wild birds. You'll think differently.
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Alright guys, since the hatch is officially over as of yesterday, how did i do?
11/12 hatched
10/11 survived
And 1 assist which got membrane stuck to it and couldnt get out.
The last egg was DIS
I had 2 silkies that just went broody and they ignored us completely when we were tipping them to look at the babies, or when we lifted them to check eggs.  Not ONCE did they peck us.

That's because they were silkies, not real chickens. :cool:

CC your Pendencenca have the distinct " King comb" of the breed?
I have a good freind that have them! See is link it us in Hebrew but you will shoorly understend the pics.... :lau
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