INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Help,please breed/gender.
there small, like bantams
today is 23 with my turkey and duck eggs. I just candled them and it looks like some are starting to internal pip. Lockdown isn't supposed to be till Monday. Should I go ahead and lock them down now or can I wait till Monday?

I am trying to give it a chance to drink on a regular basis (can't get around on its own to drink). 10% of 75 grams would be 7.5 ml. I think I can get it to drink that. I actually got it to take in about 1-1.5ml in one sitting (a bit much, I know). If I set my watch and do it frequently, I can keep the amounts more measured. I was out on errands for about 2.5 hours, so I immediately gave it some more Sav-A-Chick when I got home, and while I was holding it to help it drink, fluid was dripping out of the other end onto my pants. Miraculously, its still alive, but this is astounding fluid loss, so I will aim higher on fluid replacement. Also, weight of 75gram probably includes a lot of fluid loss already, so "true" weight would probably be higher.

Quote: AF I think you will find this interesting!
Thanks - looks interesting, I'll read after chores. I've got to get the lawn mowed and plant some blackberry bushes that have been in their pots a little too long and are looking unhappy - really need to get them in the ground ASAP.

Quote: The hen with ocular Marek's, can you post some pictures of her eyes?

Sure. I will probably try to get some better pics today or tomorrow, but an older pic of the worst eye is below. She's near blind in that eye (pupil almost gone), restricted malformed pupil in other eye (has a funny oval shape). She's learned to get around, and the rooster (Dumbledore superhero) is very protective of her and always makes sure she's ok - when she first was adjusting to the reduced vision and not doing well, he would just sit next to her on the floor of the coop and keep her company (it was precious). She always goes up to roost first while there's enough light that she can still see well, and that whole trio roosts earlier than the other groups, while it's still light enough for Jenny's vision.

- Ant Farm
They are being little piggies.

Even though I'm a stone's throw from Ferguson, this is an "elite" equestrian neighborhood - or at least a wannabe.
It is a scattering of subdivisions built over the last 40 years snaking out from 3 roads. Those primary roads properties are all a minimum of 1 acre but some go upwards of 30 acres. Horses were all explicitly allowed on parcels over 3 acres. All of us with chickens saw nothing in the ordinances disallowing chickens. One of my close neighbors has had horses, cows, ducks, geese and chickens. No problems for a long time. Then one day a reporter from the Post-Dispatch noticed many of her neighbors in the city had chickens and contacted our chicken group for an interview.
They all told her to call me. She asked how many chickens I had and at the time it was 45. She said, "can I come right over?" We sat for an interview and I explicitly asked her not to mention how many chickens I had or that I had roosters. She didn't comply. The story hit the paper the next morning and the Mayor choked on his coffee and donut exclaiming, "Do you realize someone in Black Jack has chickens? We have to make him get rid of them!!!!!"
That started a nearly year long battle. There were 5 other people on my road with chickens and at least 3 others in the city with them at the time. No one knew. The mayor's next door neighbor had chickens and he didn't know it.
We got TV, radio and other press involved and needless to say, we won.
It didn't hurt that the mayor and the city had come under national scrutiny a couple years earlier for trying to ban unmarried people from co-habituating in the city. That was a long battle as well and while I was doing my thing I met the couple at the convenience store who started that firestorm.

Visit on Sunday and go home.
Overpopulation is one culprit.

We have a feed co-op. Ours was closed for a while but we're starting it up again.
I would love to have huge coin. How much are yours worth? Are they Spanish doubloons?

Pigs usually start with about 12 or more embryos but have the unusual ability to resorb embryos during gestation if nutrition is insufficient.

Wow, that's a lot. 12-14 is standard but can range up to 32. I never saw that.
I was wondering the breed too.
We used to have Durocs, Hampshires, Yorkshires and Poland Chinas.

Quite a story. Dummy mare. I guess it was warm weather.


Not much in MO. They do blood test every bird on the property over 4 months of age the same month every year.

eggs = plural, it = singular

Don't go by that, put the egg back, close the incubator and keep your hands out. That's why your temperatures are wonky.

That would work but you want to raise them on range with a range feeder so they can find their own food later.
Perhaps in an area with tall grass and brush surrounded by electric fence to keep predators out.


NPIP=National Poultry Improvement Program.
It is a national program but administered by states so each state is different. Consistent across states is that it is a test for Pullorum-Typhoid. So yes, it is for the Salmonella pullorum bacteria.
The disease devastated the poultry industry around the turn of the century. Mortality was about 80%
The commercial poultry industry couldn't even get off the ground as long as PT was rampant across the country.
It was discovered that it is transmitted from hen to chick vertically through the egg.
A blood test was developed in 1913 and many states did statewide testing and eradicated carriers.
Then flocks could be designated as pullorum free.

Other things can be tested for like M Synoviae, M Gallisepticum, M Maleagridis, S Enteritidis and AI.
I'm not mad that I got into the program. The basic test is free here. There is a cost for others.
Pullorum-Typhoid clean is required for selling across state lines. In Missouri, it is required to sell within the state but many ignore that. Some states require birds to also be AI clean for importation. I was advised not to test for that because with rare birds, if they found antibodies, they'd cull my entire flock. So there are some states I can't ship to.
Some states only require a percentage of birds to be tested but in MO, 100% of birds over 4 months of age are tested. Mine are done in August. I try to get close to my winter numbers of adult birds by then and have a bunch of chicks.

Foam egg shippers wrapped in bubble wrap in a box, inside a box.

That happens.

What breed?

I read that as your 4th wife in a row. Sorry.
Hardly...middle of March!
:frow    each state has its own import export requirements, All require NPIP for live birds, hatching eggs varies state by state but most require NPIP certification some require AI testing and so forth, States require inspections of premises to be sure your doing what you can to keep your birds free from illness.  Testing also needs to be done on each Bird in the flock, in PA there are tests you can take to become a Certified Poultry Tech for the state, therefor the state can call on you for testing, you can test other flocks for a fee, and also draw labs from your own flock.  I am State of PA Cert. Poultry Technician   but the liability is high to test other flocks so I only do my own.

Sally do u know the email for the department of agriculture to become certified every email I try its say this email is no longer in use or this email is invalid I can pm if needed
Just got caught up reading the posts from last night, Good Morning ALL!!!

@daxigait Congratulations on your Piglets! Can you post a better picture when they get a little bigger, I love pigs just dont have the place for them right now. Sorry about losing the runt

@harrellkd Yayy a broody! I wish mine would do that!

@kwhites634 I completely agree with you in regards to all the flatlanders trying to take over... When are they in-season? I need to pick up a permit....

@Akrnaf2 That's a pretty cockerel you sold for a great price! Is he an ameracauna? green legs?

@ChickenCanoe Good luck with your fruit trees!
that the temperatures stay up for you!!
No closed season here!
No problem I have the same problem. The rain is nice hope it keeps up like they say it will. What type of chickens do you have? I've a mix mostly, some Orpington's and Altsteirer that hatched for the NY Hal hoping to get eggs mid May.

I have a chocolate orp rooster and 10 laying hens from mcmurrays ornamental layer collection.
1 salmon favorelle
1 golden campine
3 EE
2 polish top hats
1 cuckoo Maran
2 Egyptian fayroumi

And 4 old layers that I don't have the heart to cull

Just had my first hatch. 8 babies.
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